Cloudflare and the Wayback Machine, Joining Forces For a More Reliable Web

Cloudflare and the Internet Archive are now working together to help make the web more reliable. Websites that enable Cloudflare’s Always Online service will now have their content automatically archived, and if by chance the original host is not available to Cloudflare, then the Internet Archive will step in to make sure the pages get through to users. From a report:…

A Bug In Joe Biden’s Campaign App Gave Anyone Access To Millions of Voter Files

schwit1 shares a report from TechCrunch: A privacy bug in Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s official campaign app allowed anyone to look up sensitive voter information on millions of Americans, a security researcher has found. The campaign app, Vote Joe, allows Biden supporters to encourage friends and family members to vote in the upcoming U.S. presidential election by uploading their phone’s…

‘Linusgate’: Debian Project Leaders Want To Ban Linus Torvalds For His Manners

Artem S. Tashkinov writes: 253 emails have been leaked from private (high-level) mailing lists of Debian, in which its representatives vocally complain about the talk Linus Torvalds gave at the most recent DebConf conference. Some people insist that he should be permanently banned from future conferences because the language he uses is inappropriate and infringes on the project’s Code of Conduct….

Twelve Years Later, Apple Is Still Trying To Erase Email Addresses

Apple is steadily removing references to the old and slightly less old addresses from its support documents. AppleInsider reports: It used to be that if your email addressed ended in, you were telling the world that you are an Apple user. Now while it’s only that part of the world which is extremely geeky, you’re actually telling them…

Your Browsing History Can Uniquely Identify You

An anonymous reader writes:
Researchers from Mozilla report in a study that web browsing histories (the lists of user visited websites) are uniquely identifying users (PDF). In their study that was the case for 99% of users. Treating web browsing histories like fingerprints, the researchers analysed how the users can be reidentified just based on the coarsened list of user-visited websites. In…

Telegram Messaging App Proves Crucial To Belarus Protests

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Associated Press: Every day, like clockwork, to-do lists for those protesting against Belarus’ authoritarian leader appear in the popular Telegram messaging app. They lay out goals, give times and locations of rallies with business-like precision, and offer spirited encouragement. The app has become an indispensable tool in coordinating the unprecedented mass protests that…

Google Maps Is Coming To Apple Watch, Adding CarPlay Dashboard Support

Today, Google announced that Google Maps for iOS will be adding both an Apple Watch app and support for CarPlay Dashboard, increasing the likelihood that Apple users will reconsider Google’s potential contribution to their walks and rides. VentureBeat reports: Google Maps for Apple Watch appears to be a very stripped-down version of the iPhone app, offering users step-by-step directions and estimated…

InfoWorld Lists ‘Four Powerful Features Python is Still Missing’

InfoWorld’s senior writer calls Python a “living language,” citing its recent addition of the “walrus operator” for in-line assignments and the newly-approved pattern matching. “And they’re only two of a slew of useful features that could be added to Python to make the language more expressive, more powerful, more suited to the modern programming world. What else might we wish for?”…

Trump’s Plan To Regulate Social Media

Esther Schindler writes: A 55-page proposal to make the FCC rewrite a law through administrative rulemaking would threaten small social sites and generate vast amounts of new business for trial lawyers. Expect some of the people who denounced net-neutrality regulations to cheer it on. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) would have the FCC rewrite Section 230 of the Communications…

Tesla Accuses Rivian of Poaching Employees, Stealing Secrets

According to a new lawsuit first reported by Bloomberg, Tesla alleges that four of its former workers took highly sensitive proprietary information as they left to work for the rival EV startup Rivian. The Verge reports: Tesla even claims Rivian is “knowingly encouraging” this behavior, and it is seeking unspecified punitive damages for what it alleges is “despicable, wanton, oppressive, willful,…