Advertisers Are Blacklisting News Stories That Contain Forbidden Words

Zorro shares a report from The Wall Street Journal: Companies are increasingly insisting their ads do not appear near articles or videos that contain any of a long list of words. Like many advertisers, Fidelity Investments wants to avoid advertising online near controversial content. The Boston-based financial-services company has a lengthy blacklist of words it considers off-limits. If one of those…

The Law Isn’t Ready For Psychedelic Medicine

Matt Lamkin reports via Scientific American: In March, the Food and Drug Administration approved esketamine, a drug that produces psychedelic effects, to treat depression — the first psychedelic ever to clear that bar. Meanwhile the FDA has granted “breakthrough therapy” status — a designation that enables fast-tracked research — to study MDMA (also called “ecstasy”) as a treatment for post-traumatic stress…

Ask Slashdot: Why Does Suicide Seem To Be More Common Among Tech Workers?

tripleevenfall writes: At numerous points during my career in the tech industry, my workplaces have been affected by the suicide of an employee. Usually beginning with the receipt of a vague email that management has been “saddened” that someone had “passed away” recently, the truth soon becomes known and the questions begin circulating again. Why does suicide seem to be more…

Doing Five Things Could Decrease Your Risk of Alzheimer’s By 60%

“Light-to-moderate” alcohol consumption can help reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. An anonymous reader quotes the Washington Post:
A study presented Sunday at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Los Angeles found that combining five lifestyle habits — including eating healthier, exercising regularly and refraining from smoking — can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by 60 percent. A separate study showed that…

Inside The Seamy World of Robocalling Schemes

CNBC reports on the latest revelations from America’s Federal Trade Commission about the tactics used by the robocall industry: In some cases, robocalls proliferate through programs that resemble multilevel marketing schemes, where business founders push robocall packages on “members” to spur quick growth. In one case, an organization known alternately as “8 Figure Dream Lifestyle,” “Millionaire Mind” and “Online Entrepreneur Academy”…

Ancient crocodile cousins evolved vegetarianism at least three times

During the dinosaur era, many crocodile-like reptiles ate plants rather than guzzling meat – suggesting it was once a common lifestyle for crocodiles Source:…

Gaining Confidence At Work And Remembering His Love For Learning: Meet Venkat

When I hit 30, it was clear to me that I fully contracted the “Middle Age Syndrome” of poor aptitude to learn new things and inability to hold my concentration more than 3 minutes. I come from a family of teachers and Sanskrit scholars where learning, reasoning, and knowledge are highly valued. I felt I dropped the baton. Though I had…

Earning Your Degree Doesn’t Mean Putting Your Life On Hold

Online degrees give everyone a chance at a high-quality education that fits their lifestyle Programs such as the University of Illinois iMBA, delivered entirely online through Coursera, give students from all walks of life the opportunity to earn a graduate degree at their own pace and at lower cost. Patricia Ribiero Peña is a new […]
The post Earning Your Degree Doesn’t…

9 Vital Keys to Holding Space For Yourself

Azriel ReShel – Why are we so bad at being there for ourselves? Source:…

How Chelsea went from Google IT Support Learning to a Google Job Offer

Chelsea found success after completing the Google IT Support Professional Certificate. Today, she works as a Data Center Technician at Google’s new data center in Clarksville, Tennessee. My name is Chelsea Rucker. I live in Nashville, Tennessee. I completed the Google IT Support Professional Certificate on Coursera: I was drawn to the program because Google […]
The post How Chelsea went from…