Apple, Google and WhatsApp Condemn GCHQ Proposal To Eavesdrop on Encrypted Messages

Tech giants, civil society groups and Ivy League security experts have condemned a proposal from Britain’s eavesdropping agency as a “serious threat” to digital security and fundamental human rights. From a report: In an open letter to GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters), 47 signatories including Apple, Google and WhatsApp have jointly urged the U.K. cybersecurity agency to abandon its plans for a…

Consumer Reports: Tesla’s New Automatic Lane-Changing Is Much Worse Than a Human Driver

“Tesla’s updated Navigate on Autopilot software now lets some drivers choose whether the car can automatically change lanes without his or her input,” writes Consumer Reports — before complaining that the feature “doesn’t work very well and could create safety risks for drivers.” An anonymous reader quotes their report:
In practice, we found that the new Navigate on Autopilot lane-changing feature lagged…

DNA database opts a million people out from police searches

GEDMatch, a site which has helped solve around 25 cold criminal cases, has changed its terms and conditions to opt its users out from searches by law enforcement Source:…

Email Addresses and Passwords Leaked For 113,000 Users Of Account Hijacking Forum

“ — a forum popular among people involved in hijacking online accounts and conducting SIM swapping attacks to seize control over victims’ phone numbers — has itself been hacked,” reports security researcher Brian Krebs, “exposing the email addresses, hashed passwords, IP addresses and private messages for nearly 113,000 forum users.” On May 12, the administrator of OGusers explained an outage to…

Google Images + Facial Recognition Find Thief Who Looked Like Woody Harrelson

“The New York Police Department used a photo of Woody Harrelson in its facial recognition program in an attempt to identify a beer thief who looked like the actor,” reports the Associated Press:
Georgetown University’s Center on Privacy and Technology highlighted the April 2017 episode in “Garbage In, Garbage Out,” a report on what it says are flawed practices in law enforcement’s…

Net Neutrality Supporter Sentenced For Death Threats To FCC Chairman Pai

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Reuters: A California man was sentenced to 20 months in prison on Friday after pleading guilty for threatening to kill the family of U.S. Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai over the regulator’s successful effort to repeal net neutrality rules. The Justice Department said Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk, California, sent the email threats…