See all 5 bright planets in February

Find all 5 bright planets in February 2020. Use Venus to find Mercury after sunset, and then look for Saturn on line with Mars and Jupiter in the morning sky. Source:…

See Mercury beneath Venus at dusk

February 2020 presents a good evening showing of Mercury for the Northern Hemisphere. This world will appear over the sunset point on the horizon as dusk gives way to nightfall for the next few weeks. Source:…

Are solar storms dangerous to us?

Activity on the sun affects Earth’s magnetic field. It can cause geomagnetic storms, the same events that create the beautiful aurorae, or northern and southern lights. Are these storms dangerous? Source:…

Achernar marks the end of the River

The bright, southerly star Achernar marks the end of the River in the constellation Eridanus. Many at northerly latitudes make a game of trying to catch a glimpse of it. Source:…

A winding river of stars called Eridanus

Why search for such a faint constellation? Only because it’s very beautiful. Plus seeing Eridanus can give you a kinship with stargazers from centuries ago. Source:…

Dell’s Upcoming XPS 13 Linux Laptop Includes a Fingerprint Reader

An anonymous reader quotes Forbes:
If you’ve been following the steady march of progress from Dell’s Linux-first Project Sputnik team, you’re no doubt aware that the “Developer Edition” variant of the XPS 13 is one of the finest Linux-ready ultrabooks you can buy. Just ahead of CES 2020, Dell is pushing out a few more improvements including a feature that’s been hotly…