AWS Engineer Puts Windows 10 on Arm on Apple Mac M1 — and It Thrashes Surface Pro X

An Amazon Web Services (AWS) virtualization engineer has shown what Windows 10 on Arm could be like if Microsoft licensed its Arm-based OS to the public rather than just to Windows 10 manufacturers. From a report: With Apple’s new M1 Arm-based system on chip, Mac users who need to use Windows 10 can’t run Microsoft’s Arm-based version of Windows using Apple’s…

‘No, Microsoft Won’t Rebase Windows to Linux’ Argues Canonical’s Manager for Ubuntu on WSL

Last month Eric Raymond suggested Microsoft might be moving to a Linux kernel that emulates Windows. ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols argued such a move “makes perfect sense”, and open source advocate Jack Wallen even suggested Microsoft abandon Windows altogether for a new distro named Microsoft Linux. It eventually drew the attention of Canonical’s engineering manager for Ubuntu on WSL,…

Microsoft Submits Linux Kernel Patches to Make Linux Run as Root Partition on Hyper-V

“Microsoft has submitted a series of patches to Linux kernel developers,” reports ZDNet, “requesting that Linux run as the root partition on the Hyper-V, its hypervisor software for running Windows and non-Windows instances on hardware.” Microsoft “wants to create a complete virtualization stack with Linux and Microsoft Hypervisor”, according to Microsoft principle software engineer Wei Liu. Liu has proposed an RFC…

Microsoft Submits Linux Kernel Patches For a ‘Complete Virtualization Stack’ With Linux and Hyper-V

Microsoft has submitted a series of patches to the Linux kernel with its aim being “to create a complete virtualization stack with Linux and Microsoft Hypervisor.” The Register reports: The patches are designated “RFC” (Request for comments) and are a minimal implementation presented for discussion. The key change is that with the patched kernel, Linux will run as the Hyper-V root…

QEMU Version 5.0.0 Released

The developers of the open-source QEMU (Quick EMUlator) emulator, which can run programs on various architectures such as ARM and RISC-V, have released version 5.0. Slashdot reader syn3rg writes: Hot on the heels of the 4.0 release (from a major release perspective), the QEMU team has released version 5.0. This version has many changes, including: Live migration support for external processes…