Siri, What Time Is It in London?

John Gruber, writing at Daring Fireball: Nilay Patel [Editor-in-Chief of news website The Verge] asked this of Siri on his Apple Watch. After too long of a wait, he got the correct answer — for London Canada. I tried on my iPhone and got the same result. Stupid and slow is heck of a combination. You can argue that giving the…

Kentucky: Latest updates on Coronavirus

Today (March 16), Gov. Andy Beshear announced the state's first death related to COVID-19. The patient was a male who had multiple medical conditions. As of March 15, Kentucky has tested 254 individuals for COVID-19 and 21 have tested positive, according to the Kentucky Department for Public Health. Source:

For those at southerly latitudes, Canopus!

If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s time to look for Canopus. Far-northern skywatchers sometimes travel southward in winter, for a glimpse of Canopus above the southern horizon. Source:…

Uber and Lyft Are Creating Traffic, Not Reducing It

The Wall Street Journal remembers how five years ago, Uber’s co-founder “was so confident that Uber’s rides would prompt people to leave their cars at home that he told a tech conference: ‘If every car in San Francisco was Ubered there would be no traffic.'” He was wrong.
Rather than the apps becoming a model of algorithm-driven efficiency, drivers in major cities…

Small satellite to study resources needed for sustained lunar presence

As we venture forward to the Moon and establish a sustained lunar presence, finding and understanding water on the lunar surface becomes increasingly important. Lunar water is largely in the form of, but not necessarily limited to, water ice. Astronauts on the Moon could use this ice for various crew needs, potentially including rocket fuel. The Lunar IceCube mission, led by…

Thousands of Bots Are Retweeting Claims of Voter Fraud In Kentucky

“It’s deeply concerning to see shady coordinated disinformation campaigns trying to undermine our democracy,” says the man who apparently defeated Kentucky’s Republican governor Bevin in a close election last Tuesday. The New York Times reports on what happened in the hours after Twitter user “Overlordkraken1” decided to tweet to his 19 followers that he’d “just shredded a box of Republican mail-in…

Is AT&T Hiding A Widespread Voicemail Outage?

Though people can still leave voicemail messages, “Some AT&T customers say they have not had access to their voicemail since the beginning of October,” one local news site reported this week: An AT&T spokesperson sent the following statement to ABC11 about the issue: “We’re aware that some customers may be having difficulty retrieving their voicemail due to a vendor server problem….

Uber, Lyft Finally Admit They’re Making Traffic Congestion Worse In Cities

Uber and Lyft tapped transportation consultancy Fehr & Peers to examine their combined vehicle miles traveled (VMT) in six cities in September 2018, and compare that number to the total VMT in each area for the same month. “The results show that while they are vastly out-stripped by personal and commercial vehicles, Uber and Lyft are still responsible for significant shares…