Launching New Content As More Learners Move Online: 2 Degrees, 8 MasterTracks, and 100 Guided Projects

By Jeff Maggioncalda, CEO Coursera The profound impact of COVID-19 has forced us to rethink many aspects of our lives. Overnight, the global education system had to find ways to mitigate the impact of more than 1.5 billion students seeing their campuses closed. Since then, it has been heartwarming to witness the heroic efforts of […]
The post Launching New Content As…

State Officials Ask Trump Administration To Pull 3D-Printed Gun Files Offline

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Verge: Two dozen state attorneys general are asking the Trump administration to crack down on Defense Distributed’s Defcad site for selling 3D-printed gun files. In a letter sent today, they urged the Justice Department and State Department to enforce rules against exporting weapons and making undetectable firearms. “If the federal government fails to…

Amazon Fires Two Tech Workers Who Criticized Warehouse Conditions

phalse phace writes: Following the termination of Chris Smalls for leading a warehouse strike over poor coronavirus safety conditions, Amazon has fired two more employees who were outspoken critics of the company’s climate policies and who had denounced worker conditions at its warehouses as unsafe during the coronavirus pandemic. From a report: User experience designers Emily Cunningham and Maren Costa, both…

How a Corporation Suddenly Faced ‘Flood’ of Lawsuits From Thousands of Gig Workers

Long-time Slashdot reader PalmAndy shared the New York Times profile of two pioneers in “mass arbitration.” One Silicon Valley founder created FairShake, an automated system to help consumers launch hundreds of arbitration cases against corporations like Comcast and AT&T. And then there’s attorney Travis Lenkner (and his firm Keller Lenkner), who says most companies never thought consumers would actually use arbitration….

Can the FBI Be Trusted with the Surveillance of Americans?

Slashdot reader Matt.Battey writes: While everyone was at home, hunkered down watching Tiger King, and avoiding COVID-19, America’s Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz released an update to his December, 2019 report. The findings weren’t reassuring… Over at Bloomberg, they go so far as to say “The FBI Can’t Be Trusted With the Surveillance of Americans.” From the national security blog…

Zoom Will Enable Waiting Rooms By Default To Stop Zoombombing

Zoom is making some much-needed changes to prevent “Zoombombing,” a term used to describe when someone successfully invades a public or private meeting over the videoconferencing platform to broadcast shock videos, pornography, or other disruptive content. The act was recently mentioned on the Department of Justice’s website, warning that users who engage in this sort of video hacking could face fines…

EU Rules Rental Car Companies Don’t Need To Pay A License To Rent Cars With Radios That Might Play Music

Mike Masnick, reporting at TechDirt: Five years ago, we wrote about another such crazy demand — a PRO (Performance Rights Organizations (PROs), sometimes known as “Collection Societies,” that have a long history of demanding licensing for just about every damn thing) in Sweden demanding that rental car companies pay a performance license because their cars had radios, and since “the public”…

Apple Will Stop Taking a Cut of Some Video App Purchases Made Through the App Store

Yesterday, Apple said it would stop taking a cut of some sales for “qualifying” streaming video services on iPhones and other Apple devices, including Amazon’s Prime Video. Reuters reports: To make purchases inside apps on its App Store, Apple requires the use of its own payment systems and takes a commission of between 15% and 30% before passing on the rest…

‘League’ of Cybersecurity Professionals Band Together To Help Hospitals Fight Off Hackers

pgmrdlm shares a report from NBC News: A growing group of cybersecurity professionals is volunteering their expertise to help hospitals fight off hackers while doctors and nurses fight the coronavirus. Calling themselves the CTI League — Countering Threat Intelligence, and a nod to the superhero team the Justice League — the group has swelled from a handful of professionals to 450…

‘League’ of Cybersecurity Professionals Band Together To Help Hospitals

pgmrdlm writes: A growing group of cybersecurity professionals is volunteering their expertise to help hospitals fight off hackers while doctors and nurses fight the coronavirus. Calling themselves the CTI League — Countering Threat Intelligence, and a nod to the superhero team the Justice League — the group has swelled from a handful of professionals to 450 members worldwide in less than…