Boeing Says It Might Have To Shut Down 737 Max Production

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg warned investors Wednesday that the company might need to further slow or temporarily halt its 737 Max production. Boeing has continued to build the 737 Max, its bestselling jet, although at a slower pace. The plane has been grounded since mid-March because of two fatal crashes that killed more…

Meet a family of NASA space robots

NASA engineers are working on a new family of space robots that can roll, climb, and use artificial intelligence to navigate around obstacles in rough terrains on other worlds. Meet the family, here. Source:…

The Inventor Who Fought To Get Black Box Flight Recorders Into Every Plane

This week the BBC told the remarkable story of the man who invented the “black box” flight recorders — and of all the resistance he enountered along the way. dryriver shared this summary:
In 1934, a passenger plane name Miss Hobart crashed into the sea off the coast of Australia. Among those killed was Anglican missionairy Rev Hubert Warren, whose last gift…

At 82, NASA pioneer Sue Finley still reaching for the stars

Sue Finley began work at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as the US prepared to launch its first satellite into orbit in 1958, racing to match the Soviet Union, which had accomplished the feat months earlier. Source:…

Jet-Powered Flyboard Soars Over Paris For Bastille Day Parade

New submitter HansiMeier33 shares a report from The Guardian: France’s annual Bastille Day parade showcased European military cooperation and innovation on Sunday, complete with a French inventor hovering above Paris on a jet-powered flyboard. The former jetskiing champion and military reservist Franky Zapata clutched a rifle as he soared above the Champs-Elysees on his futuristic machine, which the French military helped…

Today in 2003: Opportunity blasts off to Mars

NASA’s Opportunity rover spent some 15 years exploring Mars. It surpassed all expectations for its endurance and longevity, to become one of the most successful planetary missions. Then it went silent. Source:…

Do organic crystals create ‘bathtub rings’ around Titan’s lakes and seas?

Scientists have been trying to figure what creates the so-called “bathtub rings” around lakes and seas on Saturn’s large moon Titan. Now they may have an answer: unusual organic crystals not found on Earth. Source:…

6 things to know about carbon dioxide

Scientists say increased carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth’s atmosphere is causing global temperatures to warm – sea levels to rise – and storms, droughts, floods and fires to become more severe. Here are 6 things about CO2 you might not know. Source:…

Image: Mars 2020 rover’s seven-foot-long robotic arm installed

In this image, taken on June 21, 2019, engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, install the main robotic arm on the Mars 2020 rover. (A smaller arm to handle Mars samples will be installed inside the rover as well.) The main arm includes five electrical motors and five joints (known as the shoulder azimuth joint, shoulder elevation joint,…

NASA tracked small asteroid before it broke up in atmosphere

When a lightning detector on a NOAA weather satellite detected something that wasn’t lightning last Saturday, a scientist at the Center for Near Earth Object Studies at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, did some detective work. Source:…