Amazon Plans Wall-Mounted Echo as Smart Home Command Center

Amazon is developing a new Echo device with a large touchscreen that attaches to the wall and serves as a smart home control panel, video chat device and media player, Bloomberg reports, citing people familiar with the plans. From a report: The company’s Lab126 hardware division is designing the device to be a digital command center, showing users upcoming calendar events,…

Safari 14 Added WebExtensions Support. So Where Are the Extensions?

At WWDC last year, Apple announced it was going to support Chrome-style browser extensions (the WebExtensions API) in Safari. Months after Safari 14’s release, are developers bothering with Safari? Jason Snell: The answer seems to be largely no — at least, not yet. The Mac App Store’s Safari extensions library seems to be largely populated with the same stuff that was…

Firefox 84 Claims Speed Boost from Apple Silicon, Vows to End Flash Support

The Verge reports: Firefox’s latest update brings native support for Macs that run on Apple’s Arm-based silicon, Mozilla announced on Tuesday. Mozilla claims that native Apple silicon support brings significant performance improvements: the browser apparently launches 2.5 times faster and web apps are twice as responsive than they were on the previous version of Firefox, which wasn’t native to Apple’s chips……

Apple’s Fitness Video Service That Competes With Peloton Is Cheaper and Just As Good

Todd Haselton from CNBC reviews Apple Fitness+, with some thoughts on how it compares with Peloton’s similar app. Here’s an excerpt from his report: Apple’s subscription fitness app, Fitness+, launches Monday. I’ve been using it for the past several days and I think it offers a nice variety of workouts that people will like. You need an Apple Watch to take…

Apple Suspends Supplier For Using Illegal Student Labor In China

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Apple has reprimanded one of its largest manufacturers after a Financial Times investigation found that thousands of student interns had worked overtime to assemble iPhones, in breach of Chinese law. After being contacted by the FT, Apple said it had stopped giving “new business” to Pegatron, its second-largest iPhone assembler after Foxconn….

‘No, Microsoft Won’t Rebase Windows to Linux’ Argues Canonical’s Manager for Ubuntu on WSL

Last month Eric Raymond suggested Microsoft might be moving to a Linux kernel that emulates Windows. ZDNet contributing editor Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols argued such a move “makes perfect sense”, and open source advocate Jack Wallen even suggested Microsoft abandon Windows altogether for a new distro named Microsoft Linux. It eventually drew the attention of Canonical’s engineering manager for Ubuntu on WSL,…

Apple TV Now Plays YouTube Videos in 4K — With Limits

As promised, the Apple TV is finally starting to play YouTube videos in 4K — with caveats. From a report: Users on Reddit and elsewhere are starting to see YouTube 4K support enabled on the media hub when it’s using at least tvOS 14. However, you can only watch in Ultra HD at 30 frames per second, and without HDR. Don’t…

100,000 Apple Devices Repaired, Resold: Apple Sues Canadian Recycling Firm

Slashdot reader spth writes: At a Canadian recycling firm hired by Apple to scrap about 600,000 Apple devices, 100,000 of them were actually resold to other companies that made working devices from the parts. Apple now sues the recycling company for the money made from the sale plus 31 million Canadian dollars. The recycling company claims that the devices were resold…

Firefox 81 Released, Can Now Be Your Default Browser in iOS

Engadget reports:
One big benefit of iOS 14 is that you can set non-Apple-made apps as your default, including for email and web browsing. Hot on the heels of you being able to set Chrome and Gmail as your clients of choice, Firefox is enabling you to make its browser the default on iPhones and iPads. Naturally, you’ll need to have both…

Apple CEO Impressed By Remote Work, Sees Permanent Changes

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook said he’s been impressed by employees’ ability to operate remotely and predicted that some new work habits will remain after the pandemic. During an interview at The Atlantic Festival on Monday, Cook said Apple created products including new Apple Watches and iPads that are launching on…