Stunning images of the night

See the winners of the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) 1st annual photography contest. Source:…

Asteroid Day, June 30, live from Luxembourg

The 6th annual Asteroid Day will be held as a digital event on June 30, 2020. It’ll feature presentations with experts, panel discussions, and question-and-answer periods. Here’s how to participate. Source:…

‘Biologically Plausible’ Deep Learning Neurons Predict the Chords of Bach

IBM’s research blog shares an article about “polyphonic music prediction using the Johann Sebastian Bach chorales dataset” achieved by using “biologically plausible neurons,” a new approach to deep learning “that incorporates biologically-inspired neural dynamics and enables in-memory acceleration, bringing it closer to the way in which the human brain works.” At IBM Research Europe we have been investigating both Spiking Neural…

Dance of 3 stars confirms Einstein’s ‘most fortunate thought’

Researchers in Europe have now confirmed the universality of free fall – which Einstein called his most fortunate thought – with extremely high precision. To do it, they spent 8 years tracking a triple star system containing a millisecond pulsar. Source:…

Libra? Here’s your constellation

The zodiacal constellation Libra the Scales is a fixture of the evening sky during a Northern Hemisphere summer (Southern Hemisphere winter). Source:…

MIT Builds Robot Hand That Can ‘See and Feel’ Objects

Robotic hands capable of picking up objects as fragile as a crisp by “sensing” objects have been developed by researchers. The Independent reports: Two new tools built by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) offer a breakthrough in the emerging field of soft robotics — a new generation of robots that use squishy, flexible materials rather than traditional rigid…

Technology, international bonds, and inspiration: Why astronomy matters in times of crisis

In an international emergency like the present one, you might expect the science of the stars to be the last thing on people’s minds. The problems facing both individuals and governments are infinitely more pressing than events in the depths of space. People are suffering unprecedented hardships. Source:…

Coursera Partners with ATP To Help Players Learn New Skills During Tour Suspension And Beyond

By Kim Caldbeck, Chief Marketing Officer, Coursera   As sporting events around the world remain suspended due to COVID-19, athletes everywhere are on a forced break from their playing commitments. During this disruption, the hard-working players, who bring so much joy and inspiration to our lives, can benefit from a flexible way to explore new interests […]
The post Coursera Partners with ATP…

Ancient nomadic warrior women may have inspired the Mulan legend

Skeletal markings show that some women who lived on the Mongolian steppe 1850 years ago appear to have been warriors, perhaps providing inspiration for the famous Ballad of Mulan Source:…

‘Burning Man’ Festival in Nevada Cancelled This Year, Will Move Online

“We don’t think it’s practical for us to continue waiting and hoping for the best,” explains the official Burning Man site, adding “public health and the well-being of our participants, staff, and neighbors in Nevada are our highest priorities.” And thus, SFGate reports that the 2020 festival’s communal creation of Black Rock City scheduled to begin August 30th “will now be…