A memo Coursera CEO and executives sent to employees earlier today reaffirming Coursera’s actions to address racial injustice through learning

Team, We are all hurt and outraged by the tragic deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, and by the bigotry that Christian Cooper experienced in New York City. These racist acts bring to the forefront the fears and injustices that Black Americans have faced every day for generations. As I shared with […]
The post A memo Coursera CEO…

George Floyd: Anonymous Hackers Reemerge Amid US Unrest

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: As the United States deals with widespread civil unrest across dozens of cities, “hacktivist” group Anonymous has returned from the shadows. The hacker collective was once a regular fixture in the news, targeting those it accused of injustice with cyber-attacks. After years of relative quiet, it appears to have re-emerged in the…

Unlivable Wages in Expensive Cities Are Plaguing the Video Game Industry

An anonymous reader shares a report: Crunch has been one of the biggest topics in video game industry news over the last year with reports of massive studio layoffs at established studios following closely behind. Another topic relating to these issues that hasn’t received as much attention, however, are the low and unfair wages developers are being paid in exchange for…