Born in June? Here’s your birthstone

Happy birthday June babies! Your month has 3 birthstones – pearl, moonstone, and alexandrite. Source:…

The young moon, Venus, Mercury and a celebration

The young moon returned to the evening sky this weekend, to sweep past the bright planets Venus and Mercury. Source:…

Happy Buddha Purnima on May 7

Buddha Purnima – Buddha’s birthday – is celebrated on a full moon day in the month of Vaisakh (April/May) according to the Hindu calendar. Source:…

How Spies Snuck Malware Into the Google Play Store — Again and Again

Google’s Play Store for Android apps has never had a reputation for the strictest protections from malware. Shady adware and even banking trojans have managed over the years to repeatedly defy Google’s security checks. Now security researchers have found what appears to be a more rare form of Android abuse: state-sponsored spies who repeatedly slipped their targeted hacking tools into the…

Volunteer ‘ghosts’ ensure Indonesia lockdown

A bizarre new scheme has seen volunteers dress up as ghosts to scare people into staying inside their homes. Enforcing social distancing during the co… Source:…

Indonesia’s Anak Krakatau volcano is erupting

Anak Krakatau (Child of Krakatau) volcano began erupting last night – Friday, April 10, 2020 – according to clocks in Indonesia. The eruption is not thought to be major. Webcams caught its beauty. Source:…

New Renewable Energy Capacity Hit Record Levels In 2019

According to data from the International Renewable Energy Agency (Irena), solar, wind and other green technologies now provide more than one-third of the world’s power, marking another record. The Guardian reports: Fossil fuel power plants are in decline in Europe and the U.S., with more decommissioned than built in 2019. But the number of coal and gas plants grew in Asia,…

Fossil skull suggests human ancestors emerged 200,000 years earlier than thought

This newly discovered fossil is a hugely important find, say scientists. It means that one of our earliest ancestors possibly originated in southern Africa. Read more Source:…

Young moon below Venus after sunset March 25-27

Depending on where you live worldwide, you might – or might not – catch the young moon after sunset March 25, 2020. Source:…

Ancient humans in India survived Toba super-volcano eruption

The Toba super-volcano eruption 74,000 years ago was 5,000 times larger than that of Mount St. Helens. Somehow, ancient human populations in India survived it. Source:…