How people with extreme imagination are helping explain consciousness

The first studies of people with hyperphantasia – hyper-vivid mental imagery – are revealing how our imaginations shape the world we perceive and make us who we are Source:…

A Dragon and a former pole star

Let your eyes and imagination drift to see the entire winding shape of Draco the Dragon. Also, meet Thuban, a pole star when the Egyptians were building the pyramids.  Source:…

The Practicality of the Impossible

Zen priest Norman Fischer explains how the absurdity of the bodhisattva ideal demonstrates a much needed way of reimagining the world.
The post The Practicality of the Impossible appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

New Statistical Study Links Sea Monster Descriptions to Dinosaur Discoveries

If they exist today, what exactly do sea serpents look like? If your description includes a long neck attached to a large bulky body, that doesn’t really sound like ‘serpent’ – does it? According to a new study, the portrayals of mythical creatures referred to as sea serpents changed during the 18th century as more… Read more » Source:…

9 Vital Keys to Holding Space For Yourself

Azriel ReShel – Why are we so bad at being there for ourselves? Source:…

Enlightenment Rests on the Dream

The phenomena of lucid dreaming and false awakenings reveal the complexity of Buddhism’s “waking up” metaphor.
The post Enlightenment Rests on the Dream appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

UFO Dossiers, Alien Abductions and Missing Time

Just five months after Betty and Barney Hill’s late night encounter in September 1961, a similar incident occurred in the U.K. In this case, the witness was a man named Ronald Wildman. It was in the early hours of February 9, 1962 that Wildman had an extraordinary experience, one which led him to fully believe… Read more » Source:…

North of Happiness – 5 States of Being That Will Launch You Past Happiness

Gary Z McGee – Many of us go through life thinking happiness is the be-all, end-all; the ultimate prize. Source:…

Use the Power of Energy to Change Your Life

In my list of the seven most powerful tools for developing a Power Brain, energy is number three on the list. Because it is an unfamiliar concept to some in the Western world, it might at first seem esoteric or fanciful, but in fact it is a common sense part of everyday life. Most people […] Source:…