See Boston Dynamics’ Robots Bust Freakishly Good Moves On the Dance Floor

MojoKid summarizes an article from Hot Hardware: Boston Dynamics made news recently when 80% of the company was acquired by Hyundai. The company’s family of robots is always impressive and now it appears they’re having some fun to celebrate the close of 2020. Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot and its humanoid-like Atlas bot friend, were joined by their oddball sibling Handle…

Gamemakers Inject AI To Develop More Lifelike Characters

moon_unit2 writes: The AI technique that DeepMind used to teach machines to play Atari can now bring new video game characters to life. WIRED reports that researchers at Electronic Arts and the University of British Columbia in Canada developed a reinforcement learning method for animating humanoid characters. The approach feeds on data gathered through motion capture, but then uses reinforcement learning…

Tulsa ‘Bigfoot’ was part of a safety campaign

A large hairy humanoid sighted in the Turkey Mountain area has turned out to be a man wearing a costume. Sightings of the mysterious cryptid came to l… Source:…

New documentary to uncover Mothman mystery

‘The Mothman Legacy’ will explore the stories behind various sightings of the enigmatic winged humanoid. Described as a human-like entity with wings a… Source:…

Japanese Hotel Chain Sorry That Hackers May Have Watched Guests Through Bedside Robots

Japanese hotel chain HIS Group has apologized for ignoring warnings that its in-room robots were hackable to allow pervs to remotely view video footage from the devices. The Register reports: The Henn na Hotel is staffed by robots: guests can be checked in by humanoid or dinosaur reception bots before proceeding to their room. Facial recognition tech will let customers into…

Company Offers To Pay You $130,000 To Put Your Face On a Robot

A British engineering and manufacturing firm called Geomiq has put out a call for people interested in being the face of a new “state-of-the-art humanoid” it’s developing with an unnamed company. The lucky winner with the “kind and friendly” face that the company is looking for will receive $130,000. CNET reports: “The company is searching for a ‘kind and friendly’ face…

Wells Fargo Prediction: American Banks Will Automate Away 200,000 Jobs By 2030

An anonymous reader quotes Gizmodo: Over the next decade, U.S. banks, which are investing $150 billion in technology annually, will use automation to eliminate 200,000 jobs, thus facilitating “the greatest transfer from labor to capital” in the industry’s history. The call is coming from inside the house this time, too — both the projection and the quote come from a recent…