Study Finds The Least-Affordable City for Tech Workers: Silicon Valley’s San Jose

The Bay Area Newsgroup reports:
Despite high salaries and world-class amenities, San Jose is the least affordable place for tech workers to buy a home. [Alternate URL here] A new analysis by the American Enterprise Institute found the typical tech worker and his or her partner — with two incomes totaling $200,000 — can afford just 12 percent of the homes for…

How DNSpooq Attacks Could Poison DNS Cache Records

Earlier this week security experts disclosed details on seven vulnerabilities impacting Dnsmasq, “a popular DNS software package that is commonly deployed in networking equipment, such as routers and access points,” reports ZDNet. “The vulnerabilities tracked as DNSpooq, impact Dnsmasq, a DNS forwarding client for *NIX-based operating systems.” Slashdot reader Joe2020 shared Help Net Security’s quote from Shlomi Oberman, CEO and researcher…

HPE Says It’s Relocating HQ To Houston From San Jose

Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the latest tech company to shift its focus away from Silicon Valley, announcing Tuesday that it will relocate its headquarters from San Jose, California, to Houston, Texas. CNBC reports: “HPE’s largest U.S. employment hub, Houston is an attractive market to recruit and retain future diverse talent, and is where the company is currently constructing a state-of-the-art new…

Supercomputer Simulates the Impact of the Asteroid That Wiped Out Dinosaurs

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Some 66 million years ago, an asteroid hit the Earth on the eastern coast of modern Mexico, resulting in up to three quarters of plant and animal species living on the planet going extinct — including the dinosaurs. Now, a team of researchers equipped with a supercomputer have managed to simulate the entire…

Cringely Predicts IBM ‘Disappears Into Red Hat’

Tech pundit Robert X. Cringely has been sharing technology predictions every January for over two decades — and he made another big one on Friday:
IBM has three divisions — Global Technology Services (GTS), Global Business Services (GBS), and Red Hat. GTS is the legacy IT business, GBS is the professional services business invented by Lou Gerstner to save IBM the last…