New Zealand Can’t Find Source of Its New Covid-19 Cases

A new cluster of Covid-19 cases in New Zealand prompted a widespread investigation to identify where they’re coming from. The New Zealand Herald reports:
Nearly 90 new cases of Covid-19 have now been linked back to the new cluster, which itself stemmed from an “index case” — a 50-year-old man working at Mt Wellington’s Americold coolstore, with no history or link to…

NASA’s ‘robot hotel’ gets its occupants

Storage is just as important aboard the International Space Station as it is on Earth. While the space station is about the size of a football field, the living space inside is much smaller than that. Just as you wouldn’t store garden tools in a house when you could store them in a shed outside, astronauts now have a “housing unit”…

Millions of Abandoned Oil Wells Are Leaking Methane, a Climate Menace

More than a century of oil and gas drilling has left behind millions of abandoned wells, many of which are leaching pollutants into the air and water. And drilling companies are likely to abandon many more wells due to bankruptcies, as oil prices struggle to recover from historic lows after the coronavirus pandemic crushed global fuel demand, according to bankruptcy lawyers,…

How Iceland ‘Virtually Eliminated’ Its Coronavirus Cases

Iceland is the most sparsely-populated country in Europe, with a population of 364,134 spread across 40,000 square miles (103,000 square kilometers). But the New Yorker notes Iceland has “virtually eliminated” Covid-19 cases — and tries to explore how they did it. By February 28th, Iceland had already implemented a contact-tracing team. “And then, two hours later, we got the call,” remembers…

Solving Online Events

Benedict Evans: I suspect part of the answer to this is actually that a lot of physical events will come back in some form as we emerge from lockdown. But this also makes me think that there will be new tools with much more radically new approaches, and some new behaviours and habits. Hence, it’s often struck me that networking events…

Amazon Built a Roving Robot Covered in UV Light Bulbs that Could Kill the Coronavirus in Warehouses and Whole Foods Stores

Amazon has built robot that is designed to kill the novel coronavirus with ultraviolet light. From a report: The robot looks a little like a hotel luggage cart, with a tall metal frame attached to a rectangular wheeled bottom. One side of the frame is outfitted with at least 10 ultraviolet tube lights. In a video shared with CBS News’ “60…

Racing Team Exploits Pandemic to Drive Across America in Under 27 Hours

There’s a new landspeed record for driving from New York City to Los Angeles — but “unlike most speed records and races, there’s no sanctioning body or official rules,” notes Road and Track. “That’s because setting a ‘Cannonball’ record invariably involves breaking multiple traffic laws.” But now Cannonball purists “are criticizing the run as grossly irresponsible while the nation deals with…

Marriott Discloses New Data Breach Impacting 5.2 Million Guests

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNET: Marriott International said Tuesday that names, mailing addresses, loyalty account numbers and other personal information of an estimated 5.2 million guests may’ve been exposed in a data breach. This is the second major security incident to hit the hotel group in less than two years. Marriott said it spotted that an “unexpected amount”…