Should Qualcomm Feel Threatened By Apple’s M1 Macs?’s lead mobile analyst calls Qualcomm “a little too unbothered by Apple’s M1 Macs” Qualcomm executives brushed off a question about Apple’s new M1-based Macs during a question-and-answer session at the company’s Snapdragon Summit today, where Qualcomm announced a new flagship smartphone chipset but no upgrades to its year-old chips for PCs… In general, reviews of Qualcomm-powered laptops such as the…

China Turns On Nuclear-Powered ‘Artificial Sun’

China successfully powered up its “artificial sun” nuclear fusion reactor for the first time, state media reported Friday, marking a great advance in the country’s nuclear power research capabilities. Phys.Org reports: The HL-2M Tokamak reactor is China’s largest and most advanced nuclear fusion experimental research device, and scientists hope that the device can potentially unlock a powerful clean energy source. It…

UK Seeks Site For World’s First Fusion Power Station

sciencehabit writes: The U.K. government today invited communities around the country to volunteer a site for a prototype fusion reactor, which would be the first — it is hoped — to put electricity into the grid. The project, called Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP), began last year with an initial 222 million pounds over 5 years to develop a design….

Will Tesla Update Bring Remote Access To Car Cameras?

“Tesla’s Sentry Mode is about to bring things to a whole new level by enabling Tesla owners to remotely see what their cars can see through Autopilot cameras,” claims Electrek — citing a Twitter user named green “who has been revealing new Tesla features found in software updates.” “It’s not certain when the live camera update would arrive, provided it’s not…

In Historic Test, US Navy Shoots Down an Intercontinental Ballastic Missile

“In a historic test, a U.S. Navy guided missile destroyer shot down an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) warhead aimed at a patch of ocean off the Hawaiian Islands,” reports Popular Mechanics: Once the missile launched, a network of sensors picked it up. The data was then handed off to the guided missile destroyer USS John Finn, which launched a SM-3 Block…

NASA to test its SLS megarocket in the coming weeks

The ongoing pandemic has slowed testing for NASA’s Space Launch System megarocket, but the process is resuming and has checked off a key milestone: powering up the core stage. Source:…

Tesla Model 3 Crash Hurls Battery Cells Into Nearby Home

According to a facebook post from the police department of Corvallis, Oregon, a Tesla Model 3 crashed at over 100mph, causing batteries from the Tesla to enter two different residences by breaking through the windows, one landing on a person’s lap and the second landing on a bed, catching the bedding on fire. “A tire was ripped from the car during…

Discover how Joanne applies her learning from the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate with her clients in the online education industry

Meet Joanne Roxburgh, a PhD student in technology-enhanced learning from the UK. Joanne had heard about the growing potential of artificial intelligence in her industry and wanted to learn more. She didn’t have a coding background, but as soon as she found the IBM Applied AI Professional Certificate on Coursera, she was able to start […]
The post Discover how Joanne applies…