How coronavirus drifts through the air in microscopic droplets

Aerosols are the tiny particles of liquid and material that float around in our environment. When they come from an infected person, they may be a significant source of coronavirus transmission. The science of infectious aerosols. Source:…

US Government Now Working With Peter Thiel’s Palantir On Covid-19 Tracking Tool

With a little help from Peter Thiel’s controversial company Palintir, America’s Department of Health and Human Services is building a powerful new tool to track the spread of the coronavirus. The Verge reports:
The tool, which is reportedly called HHS Protect Now, is already up and running as of April 10th and it helps officials compile reports on the coronavirus’ spread through…

Boston Dynamics Open-Sources Health Care Robotics Toolkit, Sends ‘Spot’ Robot To Help Hospitals Remotely Treat COVID-19 Patients

watha2020 writes: Spot, the four-legged robot made famous by its YouTube dance video, is being tested as a remote triage system at Boston’s Brigham Women’s Hospital. A Spot robot carrying an iPad allows doctors to interview possibly infected patients at a safe distance. [Spot is also carrying a pouch near the robot’s “tail,” which allows it to deliver small items such…

Facebook Has Released a Map of Coronavirus Symptoms Crowdsourced From Its Users

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MIT Technology Review: Facebook has released a map showing the proportion of people who say they have experienced coronavirus symptoms in each state in the US. The data was gathered from more than one million Facebook users who filled in a survey created by Carnegie Mellon University about whether they were experiencing symptoms like…

Will the Pandemic Inspire Silicon Valley to Do Good?

The global pandemic “has stirred up a missionary zeal throughout Silicon Valley,” writes Bloomberg:
Apple and Google put aside a decadelong rivalry to form an alliance to track the spread of infections. Facebook and are procuring millions of masks for health care workers. Jeff Bezos is donating $100 million and Jack Dorsey $1 billion. In other corners of the Valley, people…

As Raspberry Pi Sales Skyrocket, Eben Upton Applauds Efforts of Open Hardware Community

“Sales of Raspberry Pi’s single-board computers hit 640,000 in March, the second-biggest month for sales since they started selling,” reports TechRepublic, “as consumers flocked to inexpensive ways to work and learn from home.”
But that’s not all, Eben Upton tells them:
With the pandemic having highlighted shortages in personal protective equipment (PPE), 3D-printing manufacturers and hobbyists have been building face shields printed on…

Sheltering in Place Works: New Statistics Show Fewer COVID-19 Hospitalizations In New York, California

Yahoo News shares an encouraging report from former Newsweek correspondent Andrew Romano: Until very recently, nationwide data about how many COVID-19 patients are currently receiving treatment in hospitals was hard to come by. It’s still incomplete and inconsistent. But on April 7, researchers at the University of Minnesota launched the U.S. COVID-19 Hospitalization Tracking Project, which is just what it sounds…

Former RadioShack CEO Became an Emergency Room Doctor, Now Fights COVID-19

RadioShack’s former CEO tells Canada’s National Post newspaper the surprising story of what happened after he left the company in 2004:
When it came, rather than being crestfallen, he felt liberated, and free to pursue an “itch” that he had always felt the need to scratch. So he applied to medical school at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario… “I don’t miss being…