Ancient humans in India survived Toba super-volcano eruption

The Toba super-volcano eruption 74,000 years ago was 5,000 times larger than that of Mount St. Helens. Somehow, ancient human populations in India survived it. Source:…

Did early humans in Africa interbreed with a mysterious, extinct species?

New research suggests that early humans in Africa interbred with a ghost population that likely split from the ancestors of humans and Neanderthals between 360,000 and 1.02 million years ago. Source:…

Twenty years of discoveries changing story of human evolution

Archaeological discoveries are happening faster than ever before, helping refine the human story. Source:…

Homo sapiens? Genetic insights suggest we may not really be a species

Are you a human, or a human-Neanderthal hybrid? The concept of the species, one of the most basic in biology, may not be as well-defined as we think Source:…

Origin of Modern Humans ‘Traced To Botswana’

dryriver shares a report from the BBC: Scientists have pinpointed the homeland of all humans alive today to a region south of the Zambesi River. The area is now dominated by salt pans, but was once home to an enormous lake, which may have been our ancestral heartland 200,000 years ago. Our ancestors settled for 70,000 years, until the local climate…

Tiny stature of extinct ‘Hobbit’ thanks to fast evolution

New research suggests that the tiny human species – that survived until about 18,000 years ago, later than any human species other than our own – evolved its small size remarkably quickly while living on an isolated island. Source:…

Evolution doesn’t proceed in a straight line

If you go by cartoons and T-shirts, you might think evolution proceeds as an orderly march toward a preordained finish line. But evolution has no endpoint in mind. Source:…

Did supernovae blasts prompt humans to walk upright?

A new study suggests a series of supernovae – peaking 2.6 million years ago – might have triggered earthly events that promoted proto-humans’ upright walking. Source:…

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Ancient Hominins in Tibet

Scientists announce a human fossil in Tibet dates to 160,000 years ago, Japan enthroned a new Emperor, and Thailand prepares to crown its next king. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.
The post Buddha Buzz Weekly: Ancient Hominins in Tibet appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…

Human history in your face

When you look in a mirror, the face you see is the result of millions of years of human evolution. Here’s an interview with an expert discussing how and why our modern human faces evolved to look as they do today. Source:…