Bringing community astronomy to rural Africa

Ideas discussed at last month’s IAU symposium in Tokyo last month included projects using smartphones and low-cost battery-powered equipment. Source:…

The World’s First Village of Affordable 3D-Printed Homes Is Now Complete

MikeChino shares a report from Dwell: In Tabasco, Mexico, a family living below the poverty line recently visited their future home: a 3D-printed, 500-square foot structure with two bedrooms, one bath, a wraparound cement patio, and an awning over the front porch. It’s one of two fully furnished homes — printed in about 24 hours and finished by local nonprofit ECHALE…

Ohio Neighborhood Temporarily Evacuated Over Misplaced Fears of a Homemade Nuclear Reactor

“A 911 call Thursday led to a precautionary evacuation of an entire street in a Northwest Side neighborhood in Columbus over concerns about a possible small nuclear reactor and alpha waves reported by a resident who said he sustained burns in his garage on the device,” acocrding to the Columbus Dispatch. Slashdot reader k6mfw shared their report: In the end, authorities…

142,000 People, Mostly Children, Died From Measles In 2018

dryriver shares a report from the BBC: More than 140,000 people died from measles last year as the number of cases around the world surged once again, official estimates suggest. Most of the lives cut short were children aged under five. The situation has been described by health experts as staggering, an outrage, a tragedy and easily preventable with vaccines. Huge…

Measures to reduce air pollution quickly result in big health benefits

A review of evidence from around the world shows that reducing air pollution in homes, cities or countries has a dramatic effect on health almost immediately Source:…

Climate Change is Forcing One Person From Their Home Every Two Seconds, Oxfam Says

Climate-fueled disasters have forced about 20 million people a year to leave their homes in the past decade — equivalent to one every two seconds — according to a new report from Oxfam. From a news report: This makes the climate the biggest driver of internal displacement for the period, with the world’s poorer countries at the highest risk, despite their…

In a First, Amazon Launches a Battery-powered Portable Echo Speaker in India

After launching nearly a dozen Echo speaker models in India in two years, Amazon said on Wednesday it is adding a new variant to the mix that addresses one of the most requested features from customers in the nation: Portability. From a report: The e-commerce giant today unveiled the Echo Input Portable Smart Speaker Edition, a new variant in the lineup…

A better way to convert dog years to human years

Researchers collected DNA samples from 104 Labrador retrievers over a 16-year period. They compared changes in their DNA samples against DNA previously collected from humans. The result? A better sense of what a “dog year” really means. Source:…

Cable Execs Now Falsely Claiming Cord Cutting Is Slowing Down

Cable executives like Charter CEO Tom Rutledge are insisting that cord cutting is slowing down. “I think in aggregate they’re going to slow down,” said Rutledge. “Because I think most single-family homes have big TVs in them and that’s where you get sports, that’s where you get news, that’s where you get live TV like this. It’s still going to be…

General election 2019: Who is strongest on climate change action?

The ‘Climate Election’ has seen an almost daily bidding war on who will plant the most trees, insulate homes the fastest and produce the most green electricity. Here’s our guide to navigating the claims Source:…