All you need to know: Draconids in 2019

October’s Draconid meteor shower – sometimes called the Giacobinids – is expected to peak at nightfall or early evening on October 8, 2019, though under a moon-drenched sky. Source:…

Peak Perseid mornings: August 11, 12, 13

Unfortunately, during the 2019 peak of the Perseid meteor shower, the moon is nearly full and in the sky nearly all night. Still, you might catch a meteor in moonlight, or after moonset, shortly before dawn. Source:…

What causes flashes on the moon?

People have reported seeing Transient Lunar Phenomena – unusual flashes and other lights on the moon – for at least 1,000 years. Yet they’re still mysterious. Now a scientist in Germany is using a new telescope to try to solve the mystery. Source:…

When is the next Blue Moon?

You might know the definition of Blue Moon as the 2nd of 2 full moons in a calendar month. But there’s another kind of Blue Moon … coming up on May 18, 2019. Source:…

Space rock hit moon at 38,000 mph

It was a flash of light seen on the edge of moon during the total lunar eclipse of January 20-21, 2019. Now astronomers have analyzed this meteor strike, the first ever filmed during an eclipse. Source:…

Spica, guide star to Omega Centauri

Omega Centauri is the largest and finest star cluster visible to the eye alone from the Northern Hemisphere. Binoculars or a telescope show even more. A dark sky is best! Source:…

Feature: Meet the Other Resistance: The Republican One

President Trump is overwhelmingly popular with his base, but a handful of dissident Republicans think they know how to defeat him in a primary contest. Are they wrong? Source:…