Does coronavirus linger in the body?

Some viruses can hide out in the body and reemerge at later times. Which viruses do this, and can the new coronavirus do this too? Source:…

Face Masks Offer More Protection from Coronavirus Than Many Think

Face masks “offer much more protection against coronavirus than many think,” reports the Los Angeles Times. [Alternate version here ….] There’s a common refrain that masks don’t protect you; they protect other people from your own germs, which is especially important to keep unknowingly infected people from spreading the coronavirus. But now, there’s mounting evidence that masks also protect you. If…

How the covid-19 pandemic is making malaria and HIV more deadly

The coronavirus pandemic’s knock-on impact on healthcare for tuberculosis, malaria and HIV could lead to deaths on a similar level to those from covid-19 itself in some parts of the world, a new analysis finds Source:…

Delays Reported For Possible Covid-Inoculating Plasma Shot

“It might be the next best thing to a coronavirus vaccine,” writes the Los Angeles Times. “Scientists have devised a way to use the antibody-rich blood plasma of Covid-19 survivors for an upper-arm injection that they say could inoculate people against the virus for months.”
Using technology that’s been proven effective in preventing other diseases such as hepatitis A, the injections would…

WHO Sees First Results From COVID Drug Trials Within Two Weeks

The World Health Organization (WHO) should soon get results from clinical trials it is conducting of drugs that might be effective in treating COVID-19 patients, its Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Friday. From a report: “Nearly 5,500 patients in 39 countries have so far been recruited into the Solidarity trial,” he told a news briefing, referring to clinical studies…

Drugmaker Tripled the Price of a Pill as it Pursued Coronavirus Use

This month, Jaguar Health more than tripled the price of its lone FDA-approved drug, right after asking the federal government to expand the use of its drug to coronavirus patients. AmiMoJo shares a report: Jaguar Health drastically raised the price of a drug during the height of the pandemic, but executives argued the move was needed to stave off the company’s…

How to model a pandemic

Behind every government announcement, there is an army of epidemiologists predicting how the virus will spread, and how to beat it. Source:…