How the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Fought the Pandemic

In a long article titled “Gates versus the Pandemic,” Fast Company looks at the many mitigation efforts launched by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. – It’s one of the largest funders of the World Health Organization. – It’s partnered with the governments of Norway and India, the World Economic Forum, and the research-charity Wellcome Trust to launch an important group…

Drugmaker Tripled the Price of a Pill as it Pursued Coronavirus Use

This month, Jaguar Health more than tripled the price of its lone FDA-approved drug, right after asking the federal government to expand the use of its drug to coronavirus patients. AmiMoJo shares a report: Jaguar Health drastically raised the price of a drug during the height of the pandemic, but executives argued the move was needed to stave off the company’s…

How to model a pandemic

Behind every government announcement, there is an army of epidemiologists predicting how the virus will spread, and how to beat it. Source:…

India Could be Next Virus Hotspot With an ‘Avalanche’ of Cases

India could become the next global hotspot for virus cases, with experts warning containment measures that proved successful elsewhere in Asia may not work in the world’s second-most populous country. From a report: The South Asian nation, which has so far reported 137 infections and three deaths, is trying to contain the virus by closing its borders, testing incoming travelers and…

Why Are HIV Drugs Being Used To Treat the New Coronavirus?

Gizmodo’s Ed Cara explains why HIV drugs are being used to treat the new coronavirus. An anonymous reader shares the report: On Tuesday, the Japanese government announced it will begin clinical trials to test treatments for the deadly new coronavirus that’s engulfed China and spread to over two dozen countries. Rather than new drugs, they’ll be studying existing medications already used…

Company Seeks FDA Approval For Single-Dose Drug To Cure HIV/AIDS

“Wednesday night was an exciting one for investors and employees at American Gene Technologies,” reports a local Maryland news station. “After years in the making, they submitted a nearly 1,000-page document to FDA. And within its pages just may lie the cure for HIV/AIDS.” Founded in 2007, the privately-held company has less than 50 employees according to LinkedIn. Based in Maryland,…

Imperial Research Warns of the Cost of Austerity for Public Health in Brazil

Reductions to government social support programs have costs, and they can be particularly severe for vulnerable populations. Budget cutbacks have been implemented as a solution to the recession that has gripped Brazil since 2015, but a study led by Dr. Thomas Hone of Imperial College of London indicates that these austerity measures could result in […]
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