Long-lost footage of WWII MI6 personnel found

Silent footage filmed during the Second World War shows a site connected to Britain’s Enigma codebreakers. At a time when Hitler’s war machine seemed … Source: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/336098/long-lost-footage-of-wwii-mi6-personnel-found…

Sacha Baron Cohen Gave the Greatest Speech on Why Social Networks Need To Be Put On Check

For an actor who made a career by playing silly characters, actor Sacha Baron Cohen gave yesterday one of the most eloquent and convincing speeches in a long time in support of cracking down on large social media networks to prevent the spread of lies and hate speech that these platforms allow. From a report: While accepting his award, Cohen touched…

Taylor Swift Reportedly Threatened To Sue Microsoft Over Racist Twitter Bot

When an artificially intelligent chatbot that used Twitter to learn how to talk unsurprisingly turned into a bigot bot, Taylor Swift reportedly threatened legal action because the bot’s name was Tay. Microsoft would probably rather forget the experiment where Twitter trolls took advantage of the chatbot’s programming and taught it to be racist in 2016, but a new book is sharing…

Our incel problem

Source: https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/4/16/18287446/incel-definition-reddit…

21.14 – MU Podcast

Genuine adult cases of past-life memory recall are so rare that many paranormal researchers tend to dismiss them. However, on this episode of Mysterious Universe we will discuss one of the most compelling verifiable cases of past-life memory recall to ever see the light of day. Then in our Plus+ extension we take a look… Continue reading 21.14 – MU Podcast