Chrome Criticized Over ‘Senseless Attack on the URL Bar’

The site Android Police is calling out new feature flags in Chrome’s early-release Dev and Canary channels (V85) “which modify the appearance and behavior of web addresses in the address bar.” The main flag is called “Omnibox UI Hide Steady-State URL Path, Query, and Ref” which hides everything in the current web address except the domain name… There are two additional…

New Java-Based Ransomware Targets Linux and Windows Systems

“A newly uncovered form of ransomware is going after Windows and Linux systems,” reports ZDNet, “in what appears to be a targeted campaign.”
Named Tycoon after references in the code, this ransomware has been active since December 2019 and looks to be the work of cyber criminals who are highly selective in their targeting. The malware also uses an uncommon deployment technique…

Martian moon’s orbit hints at an ancient ring of Mars

Scientists from the SETI Institute and Purdue University have found that the only way to produce Deimos’s unusually tilted orbit is for Mars to have had a ring billions of years ago. While some of the more massive planets in our solar system have giant rings and numerous big moons, Mars only has two small, misshapen moons, Phobos and Deimos. Although…

Discovery of long-sought tiny explosions that super-heat the sun’s corona

The sun is the brightest object in the sky and has been studied for hundreds of years, but it continues to hide some secrets. The visible sun is extremely hot, at a temperature of about 5500 degrees. Surprisingly, on top of this sits a layer of gas, called the corona, which has a temperature of almost 2 million degrees, over 300…

As Coronavirus Hospitalizations Rise in the US, Many States Hide Their Data

In America, “Federal and state officials across the country have altered or hidden public health data crucial to tracking the coronavirus’ spread, hindering the ability to detect a surge of infections as President Donald Trump pushes the nation to reopen rapidly,” reports Politico: In at least a dozen states, health departments have inflated testing numbers or deflated death tallies by changing…

Hackers Hide Web Skimmer Behind a Website’s Favicon

In one of the most complex and innovative hacking campaigns detected to date, a hacker group created a fake icons hosting website in order to disguise malicious code meant to steal payment card data from hacked websites. From a report: The operation is what security researchers refer to these days as a web skimming, e-skimming, or a Magecart attack. Hackers breach…

Google’s reCAPTCHA Is Being Used To Hide Phishing Pages

An anonymous reader quotes Infosecurity magazine:
New research from Barracuda Networks has revealed that cyber-criminals are increasingly using official reCAPTCHA walls to disguise malicious content from email security systems and trick unsuspecting users… [S]ophisticated scammers are beginning to use the Google-owned service to prevent automated URL analysis systems from accessing the actual content of phishing pages, and to make phishing sites more…

Internet Governance Body RIPE Opposes China’s Internet Protocols Upgrade Plan

EU-based Internet governance body RIPE is opposing a proposal to remodel core internet protocols, a proposal backed by the Chinese government, Chinese telecoms, and Chinese networking equipment vendor Huawei. From a report: Named “New IP,” this proposal consists of a revamped version of the TCP/IP standards to accommodate new technologies, a “shutoff protocol” to cut off misbehaving parts of the internet,…

Chinese Facial Recognition Firm Says It Can Now Identify People Wearing Masks

Hanwang Technology, a Chinese firm specializing in facial recognition software, says it can now identify people that are wearing masks to protect against the coronavirus. The company says it used a sample database of around 6 million unmasked faces and a smaller database of masked faces to create the system. The Next Web reports: The Beijing-based firm, which also goes by…