HEC Paris upcoming webinars

HEC Paris Executive Education Professors will share their insights and expertise during a webinar series to support you and your teams through these next few weeks of confinement and uncertainty and to help you prepare for a new normal. Will the coronavirus lead to economic decoupling and deglobalization?Professor Jeremy Ghez (English)31/03/2020, 17:00 (CET)Click here to […]
The post HEC Paris upcoming webinars…

5 Ingredients of an Entrepreneurial Mindset – According to Top Innovators

Whether you’re building your startup or pursuing “intrapreneurial” ventures within an established company, the journey of an innovator can be a rollercoaster of thrilling highs – and challenging lows. That’s why success isn’t just about having an entrepreneurial skillset – it’s about having the right mindset to carry you through the inevitable tough times.  You […]
The post 5 Ingredients of an…

5 Essential skills of an Entrepreneur (Or Intrapreneur) in 2019

In today’s fast-paced digital economy, innovation is everything. Whether you’re an entrepreneur building a startup from scratch or an “intrapreneur” innovating within an established company, the ability to develop a new idea from concept to successful execution can open up exciting – and lucrative – career opportunities.  Becoming a successful entrepreneur (or intrapreneur) requires a […]
The post 5 Essential skills of…