Curious Tales of Mysterious Scottish Water Spirits

When people think of Scotland and strange things in the water, they are likely going to envision the famous Loch Ness Monster of Loch Ness. This is the common image of strange aquatic anomalies in the country, and it has been a mainstay of the world of the paranormal for a very long time. Yet,… Read more » Source:…

Remembering Legendary Paranormal Investigator Lorraine Warren

The paranormal world is remembering legendary investigator Lorraine Warren, who passed away on April 18 at the age of 92. With her husband Ed, Lorraine Warren was involved in thousands of paranormal investigations of ghosts and hauntings, including a number of famous ones which were reported in the mainstream news and made into blockbuster movies,… Read more » Source:…

Strange and Frightening Encounters With Forest Spirits

Throughout all of human history the forests of our world have always held a special allure. The trees have birthed countless legends and myths, as well as spawned all manner of forest entities, sprites, and spirits. Just walking amongst the tranquil woods one can feel why this might be so, as it is a place… Read more » Source:…

Billie Ellish, the neo-goth, chart-topping 17-year-old pop star, explained


Haunted Wrigley Field and the Curse of the Billy Goat

One of the most well-known ballparks in the world first opened its doors in 1914, in Chicago, Illinois. What would become Wrigley Field was originally owned by Charles Weeghman, who owned the team called the Chicago Whales of the Federal League, both of which would fizzle out in 1915, leading Weeghman to buy the Cubs… Continue reading Haunted Wrigley Field and the Curse of the Billy Goat

Paranormal Encounters at Japan’s Haunted Suicide Forest

At the foot of Japan’s iconic Mt. Fuji, lying sprawled amongst some of the most majestic scenery in Japan, lies the haunted destination of broken souls known as Aokigahara, often referred to as the “Sea of Trees” and more infamously as the demon infested “Suicide Forest.” Aokigahara Forest lies at the northwest base of the picturesque… Continue reading Paranormal Encounters at Japan’s Haunted Suicide Forest

The Ghosts of Notre-Dame Cathedral

The tragic and extensive fire at the beautiful and historic Notre-Dame de Paris — Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris — sent waves of shock and sadness around the world. No matter your religion or whether you’ve seen it in person or in pictures, its iconic towers, stunning works of art, terrifying gargoyles and historical significance are… Continue reading The Ghosts of Notre-Dame Cathedral

The Strange Mystery of the Faces of Bélmez

August 23, 1971 started like any other day for María Gómez Cámara as she went about her housework in her home in the village of Bélmez de La Moraleda, in Spain. She then passed through the kitchen area and noticed something odd on the floor, a stain there where she had never noticed one before,and… Continue reading The Strange Mystery of the Faces of Bélmez

The Mysterious Ghostly Whistle People of Indonesia

Forests have always had a hold and held an allure over humankind since the very beginning. The woods have played an important role in countless myths, legends, and tales across pretty much every corner of the earth, harboring mysteries and secrets that have always held us in thrall. These are places of myth, magic, and… Continue reading The Mysterious Ghostly Whistle People of Indonesia

Woman Saved from Ghostly Torture by Psychic Rescue Squad

Most ghost stories don’t begin well – a poor human suffers an untimely and often unpleasant death. Most ghost stories don’t end well either – one or more living humans are haunted, tormented or worse by the ghost. That appeared to be the case with one Emily Sparks of the village of Writtle in Chelmsford,… Continue reading Woman Saved from Ghostly Torture by Psychic Rescue Squad