Tech Companies Need To Take Responsibility For the ‘Chaos’ They Create, Tim Cook Says

Apple CEO Tim Cook said Sunday in a commencement address at Stanford University that technology companies need to take responsibility for the “chaos” they create. From a report: He did not name specific companies in his speech, but referenced several reasons that tech firms, particularly social media platforms, have come under scrutiny in recent months. He also made an apparent reference…

YouTube To Remove Thousands of Videos Pushing Extreme Views

YouTube said on Wednesday that it plans to remove thousands of videos and channels that advocate for neo-Nazism, white supremacy and other bigoted ideologies in an attempt to clean up extremism and hate speech on its popular service. From a report: The new policy will ban “videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion,”…

Donald Trump spent Saturday retweeting far-right personalities. Then he told them they’re right.


YouTube Livestream of Congressional Hearing About ‘Rise of White Nationalism’ Is Filled With White Nationalism

On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee had a hearing about the rise of hate and white nationalism in the US, which the committee’s YouTube account livestreamed. For about 40 minutes, the live YouTube comment stream was filled with hate, white nationalism, and anti-semitism. Live stream watchers made blatantly racist and anti-semitic comments that trafficked in… Continue reading YouTube Livestream of Congressional Hearing About ‘Rise of White Nationalism’ Is Filled With White Nationalism

Why I Practiced Tonglen in a Mosque

After the New Zealand mass shooting, a Buddhist practitioner reflects on praying with her Muslim neighbors.
The post Why I Practiced Tonglen in a Mosque appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source:…