Worm Farm Kit: Essential Supplies Every Beginner Should Have

Preparing a worm farm kit is easy. Plus, the materials you need are also very affordable. To help you get you started, here are the materials that you need to prepare. RELATED: How To Start Your Own Worm Composting Bin Worm Farm Kit For Beginners What is Worm Farming? Worm farming, or vermicomposting, is the process…Continue Reading
The post Worm Farm Kit: Essential…

Is Your Chip Card Secure? Much Depends on Where You Bank

A recent series of malware attacks on U.S.-based merchants suggest thieves are exploiting weaknesses in how certain financial institutions have implemented the technology in chip-based credit and debit cards to sidestep key security features and effectively create usable, counterfeit cards. Brian Krebs reports via Krebs on Security: Traditional payment cards encode cardholder account data in plain text on a magnetic stripe,…

Image: Letting a satellite breathe

This air intake collector is designed to harvest sufficient air particles as it skims the top of the atmosphere to fuel an “air-breathing” electric thruster. The aim is to help satellites to overcome atmospheric drag to operate on an ongoing basis in orbits from as low as 180 km to a maximum 250 km altitude. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-07-image-satellite.html…

How To Start Your Own Worm Composting Bin

Creating your own worm composting bin is a great addition to your homestead. It is affordable, low-maintenance, and very easy to make. It can help you decompost your food scraps organically. Plus, it can also give you rich and nutritious soil that can help your plants grow faster. To get you moving, we prepared five…Continue Reading
The post How To Start Your…

7 Must-Know Tips When Growing Lettuce In Summer

Growing lettuce in summer may be tricky because of the warm, glaring sun. Sometimes, homesteaders like you may get discouraged because the lettuce leaves dry out. And, the seeds may not even germinate at all. But, all hope is not lost. There are some simple techniques that you can do so you can enjoy your…Continue Reading
The post 7 Must-Know Tips When…

DIY Tomato Cages And Stakes To Properly Support Your Tomato Plants

No need to spend hundreds of dollars on store-bought tomato cages. You can make your own affordable, functional DIY cages and stakes straight from your homestead. Check out your options below! RELATED: All About Tomatoes: Your Spring Growing Guide | Homesteading Tips In this article: Standard Steel Mesh Tomato Cage Wooden Tomato Plant Obelisk Stake…Continue Reading
The post DIY Tomato Cages And…

7 Best Indoor Herb Garden Kits Perfect For Urban Homesteading

You don’t need to live in a large homestead to enjoy a bit of open-air country freshness. Make your quaint city home smell as fresh as a wide-open farm by growing an indoor herb garden kit! RELATED: Herb Garden Tips | How to Dry Herbs 7 Best Indoor Herb Garden Kit Options to Choose From 1.…Continue Reading
The post 7 Best Indoor Herb…

Submerged in water, this new device uses sunlight to produce energy

“The concept is broadly similar to an artificial leaf,” researchers said. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/solar-energy-via-water-splitting-module-artificial-leaf…

Virgo? Here’s your constellation

The constellation Virgo the Maiden fully returns to the early evening sky – with her feet planted on the eastern horizon – in early May. Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/virgo-heres-your-constellation…