For Young Female Coders, Internship Interviews Can Be Toxic

An anonymous reader shares a report: Eyre (an anecdote in the story) is one of more than 1,000 young women college-aged or older, hailing from 300 schools around the country, who participated in a recent survey [PDF] about the challenges female engineers face while applying for technical internships. The study was conducted last fall by Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization…

LGBT Video-Makers Sue YouTube Claiming Discrimination

AmiMoJo shares a report from the BBC: A group of YouTube video-makers is suing it and parent company Google, claiming both discriminate against LGBT-themed videos and their creators. The group claims YouTube restricts advertising on LGBT videos and limits their reach and discoverability. But YouTube said sexual orientation and gender identity played no role in deciding whether videos could earn ad…

E3 Accidentally Doxxed Over 2,000 Journalists, YouTubers, and Streamers

The Entertainment Software Association, which runs the E3 video game expo, accidentally made phone numbers, emails, names, and addresses of over 2,000 attendees public on their website. “A copy of the list was archived on several popular message boards for trolls, and includes the home addresses of many reporters,” reports BuzzFeed News. From the report: The leaked list was discovered by…

Employee Happiness and Business Success Are Linked, Study Finds

A new study (PDF) by Christian Krekel, George Ward and Jan-Emmanuael de Neve finds a link between employee happiness and business success. “The study, based on data compiled by Gallup, a polliging organization, covers nearly 1.9 million employees across 230 separate organizations in 73 countries,” reports The Economist. From the report: The authors studied four potential measures of corporate performance: customer…

65% of Online Gamers Face Threats, Stalking, Other ‘Severe Harassment’

Online gaming may be popular and fun, but it’s not without pitfalls. More than 70% of online gamers have experienced some form of harassment, according to a survey released Thursday from the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Technology and Society. From a report: And 65% of players said they’ve experienced “severe harassment,” including physical threats, stalking and sustained harassment. “Online hate causes…

The Trillion-Dollar Taboo: Why It’s Time To Stop Ignoring Mental Health at Work

Experts in workplace psychology overwhelmingly agree that burnout is a growing public health crisis. An excerpt from a long report: When the FT set out to investigate this issue, we asked readers to describe how their employers handle mental health issues, including stress, burnout, anxiety and depression. More than 450 people responded from 43 countries. Although they were a self-selecting group,…

Book Subtitles Are Getting Ridiculously Long. Blame it on SEO.

How many words can you fit in a subtitle? For a slew of modern books, the answer seems to be as many as possible. From a report: Just look at Julie Holland’s “Moody Bitches: The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy,” Erin McHugh’s “Political Suicide: Missteps,…

YouTube To Remove Thousands of Videos Pushing Extreme Views

YouTube said on Wednesday that it plans to remove thousands of videos and channels that advocate for neo-Nazism, white supremacy and other bigoted ideologies in an attempt to clean up extremism and hate speech on its popular service. From a report: The new policy will ban “videos alleging that a group is superior in order to justify discrimination, segregation or exclusion,”…

DIY Facial Recognition For Porn Is a Dystopian Disaster

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Vice News: Someone posting on Chinese social network Weibo claims to have used facial recognition to cross-reference women’s photos on social media with faces pulled from videos on adult platforms like Pornhub. In a Monday post on Weibo, the user, who says he’s based in Germany, claimed to have “successfully identified more than 100,000…