Ubisoft Family Accused of Mishandling Sexual Misconduct Claims

An anonymous reader shares a report: Five brothers started Ubisoft Entertainment SA in 1986 and since then the video game company has survived seven generations of game consoles, four recessions, a hostile takeover bid from France’s largest media conglomerate, and a global pandemic. Ubisoft is one of the world’s largest game publishers, the maker of blockbuster series such as Assassin’s Creed…

Ubisoft CEO Lays Out a Plan To Change the Company’s Toxic Culture

A week after launching investigations into many claims of harassment and misconduct, Ubisoft’s CEO gave an update on what the company is doing to change things. From a report: In a letter posted on its website and emailed to employees, Yves Guillemot said “the types of inappropriate behavior we have recently learned about cannot and will not be tolerated.” That’s sharply…

Reddit Finally Bans Hate Speech, Removes 2,000 Racist and Violent Forums

Reddit first launched as an online discussion site in June 2005. Now, 15 years later, it has finally taken action to officially ban hate speech and groups that promote it. From a report: A revised Reddit content policy, announced Monday, explicitly states that groups or users that “incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerabilityâ are prohibited. âoeEveryone…

Dozens of Women in Gaming Speak Out About Sexism and Harassment

More than 70 people in the gaming industry, most of them women, have come forward with allegations of gender-based discrimination, harassment and sexual assault since Friday. They have shared their stories in statements posted to Twitter, YouTube, Twitch and the blogging platform TwitLonger. From a report: The outpouring of stories from competitive gamers and streamers, who broadcast their gameplay on platforms…

Six Former eBay Employees Charged in Federal Cyberstalking Case Targeting Natick Couple

Six eBay employees including a former police captain in California last year engaged in a relentless campaign of harassment and cyberstalking of a Natick couple that published a newsletter critical of the online retailer, sending items including fly larvae, live spiders, and a bloody pig mask to their home and travelling to Massachusetts to conduct surveillance of the victims in an…

Wikipedia Plans New Rule To Combat ‘Toxic Behavior’

Wikipedia is taking steps to fight what it’s calling “toxic behavior” which will be finalized by the end of this year, reports the BBC (in an article shared by Charlotte Web): “We must work together to create a safe, inclusive culture, where everyone feels welcome, that their contributions are valued, and that their perspective matters,” said Katherine Maher, the chief executive…

Twitter Runs a Test Prompting Users To Revise ‘Harmful’ Replies

In its latest effort to deal with rampant harassment on its platform, Twitter will look into giving users a second chance before they tweet. From a report: In a new feature the company is testing, users who use “harmful” language will see a prompt suggesting that they self-edit before posting a reply. The framing here is a bit disingenuous — harassment…

Alphabet’s Chief Legal Officer Stepping Down Amid Investigation

The New York Times is reporting that Alphabet’s chief legal officer, David Drummond, is leaving the internet giant amid an investigation into his relationships with women who worked at the company. From the report: In an email sent to employees at Google and Alphabet, Mr. Drummond, who joined Google in 2002, said he planned to leave Alphabet at the end of…

Uber Settles Federal Investigation Into Workplace Culture

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: In 2017, a former Uber employee wrote a public essay describing how the ride-hailing company had permitted sexual harassment to fester at the workplace. The revelations led to an outcry over Uber’s toxic culture. Federal authorities and others began investigations into the company. More than 20 employees were later fired…