Image: Giant magnetic ropes in a galaxy’s halo

This image of the “Whale Galaxy” (NGC 4631), made with the National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), reveals hair-like filaments of the galaxy’s magnetic field protruding above and below the galaxy’s disk. Source:…

Scientists Can Now Identify Someone From a Single Strand of Hair

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: A new forensic technique could have criminals — and some prosecutors — tearing their hair out: Researchers have developed a method they say can identify a person from as little as 1 centimeter of a single strand of hair — and that is eight times more sensitive than similar protein analysis techniques. If the…

New Micro 3D Printing Technology Wins Prestigious NZ Engineering Award

Long-time Slashdot reader ClarkMills quotes New Zealand’s Innovation Agency: New 3D printing technology creating highly detailed objects, smaller than a strand of human hair, has won the 2019 ENVI Engineering Innovation Award (Engineering New Zealand Awards). Micromaker3D, powered by breakthrough Laminated Resin Printing (LRP), makes it easy and more accessible to create detailed submillimetre structures for applications such as sensors, wearables,…

Nearly extreme black holes which attempt to regrow hair become bald again

Black holes ‘have no hair’: no attributes that can be used to tell them apart. Extreme black holes (spinning at maximally allowed rate) can have an additional property, permanent hair that is made of a massless scalar field. Nearly extreme black holes (like Gargantua, the black hole featured in the movie “Interstellar”) have hair that is a transient phenomenon: nearly extreme…

Pigeons are having their toes amputated by waste human hair in Paris

Pigeons with mutilated feet are a common sight in cities, and it turns out that they are being cut off by human hair that has been poorly disposed of Source:…

Algol is the Demon Star

What’s the scariest star in all the heavens? Around Halloween, look for Algol – a star named for a demon! How to see it in your sky. Source:…

Found Cassiopeia? Now look for Perseus

Perseus follows Cassiopeia across the night sky. It’s fainter, but has a graceful shape and some of the sky’s most interesting stars and star clusters. Source:…