Breathing Habits Are Related To Physical and Mental Health

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal, written by James Nestor: Breathing is a missing pillar of health, and our attention to it is long overdue. Most of us misunderstand breathing. We see it as passive, something that we just do. Breathe, live; stop breathing, die. But breathing is not that simple and binary. How we breathe…

MIT Develops a Way To Use Wireless Signals From In-Home Appliances To Better Understand Your Health

[R]esearchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have developed a new system (PDF) that can figure out when and where in-home appliances like hair dryers, stoves, microwaves and washing machines are being used, and they believe that info could help inform healthcare practitioners about the habits and challenges of people under their care. TechCrunch reports: The researchers devised…

Which Linux Desktop Environment is the Best?

Tom’s Hardware “put five of the most popular desktop environments up against each other in a no-holds-barred, seven-round face-off. We’ve rated GNOME, KDE, Cinnamon, Awesome and Regolith on a 10-point scale based on Installation, Applications, User Experience, User Documentation, Performance, Extensions and Configurability.” It’s a good read, with a detailed and thoughtful 3,700-word analysis, especially about memory performance: When you use…

Neiman Marcus, a Symbol of Luxury, Files for Bankruptcy

Neiman Marcus on Thursday became the first major department store group to file for bankruptcy protection during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s a stunning fall that follows the collapse of Barneys New York late last year and comes as shadows gather over chains like Lord & Taylor and J.C. Penney. From a report: At the end of March the coronavirus pandemic temporarily…

Will Cellphone Tracing Bring a Tolerance of Surveillance?

An anonymous reader quotes the Washington Post:
In a matter of months, tens of millions of people in dozens of countries have been placed under surveillance. Governments, private companies and researchers observe the health, habits and movements of citizens, often without their consent. It is a massive effort, aimed at enforcing quarantine rules or tracing the spread of the coronavirus, that has…

Study With Jazz Improv Musicians Sheds Light On the Source of Creativity In the Brain

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Technology Networks: According to a popular view, creativity is a product of the brain’s right hemisphere — innovative people are considered “right-brain thinkers” while “left-brain thinkers” are thought to be analytical and logical. Neuroscientists who are skeptical of this idea have argued that there is not enough evidence to support this idea and an…

The Pandemic is Playing To Almost Every One of Amazon’s Strengths

An anonymous reader shares a report: As the coronavirus pandemic has forced people to stay inside, few companies have proven themselves as essential as Amazon. From groceries to cleaning supplies, shipments from Amazon have become lifelines for many who are steering clear of supermarkets and other physical retail stores. Company executives have likened the surge in demand to the annual holiday…

There probably isn’t as much fake news in the media as we think

An analysis of the media consumption habits of people in the US shows that fake news makes up a tiny fraction of what they watch or read every day Source:…

Resources to Support your Learners: Stay Informed & Productive During the Coronavirus Crisis

By Alison Lands, Skills Transformation Consultant As companies scramble to secure the health and safety of employees, virtualize their operations, and check-in with their customers (not to mention find a quiet + comfortable + decent-looking nook from which to work virtually in their homes!), a new level of leadership is being demanded from every individual […]
The post Resources to Support your…

More Than Half of All News Consumption On Facebook In America Is About the Coronavirus, Report Finds

The coronavirus has revived Facebook as a dominant news hub. According to an internal report by The New York Times, more than half of all news consumption on Facebook in America is about the virus. “Overall U.S. traffic from Facebook to other websites also increased by more than 50 percent last week from the week before, ‘almost entirely’ owing to intense…