What’s the August birthstone?

Happy birthday, August babies! Your month has 2 birthstones, peridot and sardonyx. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/august-birthstone-sardonyx-peridot…

Meet the Scorpion’s Stinger stars, Shaula and Lesath

The constellation Scorpius resembles a scorpion, complete with a curved tail. Two stars close together near the end of the Tail – Shaula and Lesath – represent the Scorpion’s Stinger. They’re easy to spot and fun to get to know! Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/scorpion-stinger-stars-also-called-cats-eyes…

Watch for the moon and the Scorpion

July is a grand time of year to learn to recognize the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion. If you’re in the city – with no dark sky – you probably won’t see the entire constellation. But you can still see the star that represents the Scorpion’s Heart, a bright red star called Antares. Our chart shows…read more » Source: https://earthsky.org/tonight/watch-for-the-moon-and-the-scorpion…

Ramps For Disabled People Trace Back To Ancient Greece

sciencehabit shares a report from Science Magazine: The ramps for disabled people that smooth entry into many public buildings today aren’t a modern invention. The ancient Greeks constructed similar ramps of stone to help individuals who had trouble walking or climbing stairs access holy sites, new research suggests. That would make the ramps — some more than 2300 years old –…

Epsilon Lyrae is the famous Double Double star

To the unaided eye, Epsilon Lyrae, in the constellation Lyra, appears as one star. But it’s actually a star system with at least five stars. Source: https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/epsilon-lyrae-the-famous-double-double-star…

A New Artificial Material Effectively Cannot Be Cut

Researchers from the University of Stirling, UK, have embedded ceramic spheres in aluminum foam to create a material that couldn’t be cut with angle grinders, power drills or water jet cutters. “They dubbed it Proteus after the shape-shifting Greek god, for the way the material metamorphosed in different ways to defend against attacks,” reports New Scientists. From the report: “It’s pretty…

NASA’s first planetary defense mission target gets a new name

Nearly two decades ago, a near-Earth asteroid was discovered to have a moon and the binary system was given the name “Didymos”—Greek for “twin,” a loose description of the larger main body and the smaller orbiting moon, which became unofficially known as Didymos B. Source: https://phys.org/news/2020-06-nasa-planetary-defense-mission.html…

Libra? Here’s your constellation

The zodiacal constellation Libra the Scales is a fixture of the evening sky during a Northern Hemisphere summer (Southern Hemisphere winter). Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/libra-heres-your-constellation…

What is the Big Bang?

In the view of modern cosmologists, the Big Bang is the event that marked the birth of our universe. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/definition-what-is-the-big-bang…