Are ‘Advanced Driver Assistance Systems’ Making Us Worse Drivers?

An anonymous reader quotes ZDNet: Advanced driver assistance systems are becoming on the norm even on midlevel cars. For safety advocates that seems like good news: Systems designed to prevent crashes should, after all, result in fewer crashes. But what if that thinking is flawed? A new report from AAA suggests that might be the case and that our increasing use…

Good News For Climate Change: India Gets Out of Coal and Into Renewable Energy

“India has been aggressively pivoting away from coal-fired power plants and towards electricity generated by solar, wind, and hydroelectric power,” writes the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Lasrick shared their report: The reasons for this change are complex and interlocking, but one aspect in particular seems to stand out: The price for solar electricity has been in freefall, to levels so…

Intel CEO Blames Company’s Obsessive Focus on Capturing 90% CPU Market Share For Missing Out on Other Opportunities

Intel chief executive Bob Swan says he’s willing to let go the company’s traditional dominance of the market for CPUs in order to meet the rising demand for newer, more specialized silicon chips for applications such as AI and autonomous cars. From a report: Intel’s Bob Swan blames being focused on 90% CPU market share as a reason for missing opportunities…

Tons of acorns in your yard? It must be a mast year

Masting is what biologists call the pattern of trees for miles around synchronizing to all produce lots of seeds – or very few. Why and how do they get on schedule? Source:…

It’s getting windier and that could be good news for renewable energy

Wind speed had been slowing down since the 1970s, but since 2010 it’s been getting windier. Though this may just be a blip, it’s good news for wind farms in the meantime Source:…

Lessons From the Cyberattack On India’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant

Dan Drollette shares an article by two staffers at the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. “Indian officials acknowledged on October 30th that a cyberattack occurred at the country’s Kudankulam nuclear power plant,” they write, adding that “According to last Monday’s Washington Post, Kudankulam is India’s biggest nuclear power plant, ‘equipped…

Red Mars and blue-white Spica pair up in morning sky

Watch for them in the east before sunup on the mornings November 8, 9 and 10, 2019. Cool color contrast, and, yay … Mars is back! Source:…

New ‘Unremovable’ XHelper Malware Has Infected 45,000 Android Devices

An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: Over the past six months, a new Android malware strain has made a name for itself after popping up on the radar of several antivirus companies, and annoying users thanks to a self-reinstall mechanism that has made it near impossible to remove. Named xHelper, this malware was first spotted back in March but…