Virgo? Here’s your constellation

The constellation Virgo the Maiden fully returns to the early evening sky – with her feet planted on the eastern horizon – in early May. Source:…

The Sun is less active magnetically than other stars

Our sun is the source of life on Earth. Its calm glow across billions of years has allowed life to evolve and flourish. This does not mean the sun doesn’t have an active side. We have observed massive solar flares, such as the 1859 Carrington event, which produced northern lights as far south as the Caribbean, and drove electrical currents in…

Why The Navy’s UFO Videos Aren’t Showing Aliens

Syfy Wire’s “Bad Astronomy” column is written by astronomer Phil Plait, head science writer of Bill Nye Saves the World. This week he looked at the recently-declassified videos taken by the U.S. Navy’s fighter jets showing unidentified flying objects “moving in weird and unexpected ways.” (“The ‘aura’ around the object in some of the footage could simply be the camera overexposing…

Insects have declined worldwide since 1925

A new study has offered the clearest indication yet of how insects all over the world are faring. The researchers studied data on the numbers and total weight of insects and arachnids (spiders and mites) sampled in 41 countries on five continents. Source:…

Scientists Create Glowing Plants Using Mushroom Genes

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian: Emitting an eerie green glow, they look like foliage from a retro computer game, but in fact they are light-emitting plants produced in a laboratory. Researchers say the glowing greenery could not only add an unusual dimension to home decor but also open up a fresh way for scientists to explore the…

Deep Sea Squid Communicate By Glowing Like E-Readers

An anonymous reader quotes a report from NPR: Deep in the Pacific Ocean, six-foot-long Humboldt squid are known for being aggressive, cannibalistic and, according to new research, good communicators. Known as “red devils,” the squid can rapidly change the color of their skin, making different patterns to communicate, something other squid species are known to do. But Humboldt squid live in…

Watch the moon sweep near 3 morning planets

Before daybreak these next several mornings – April 14, 15 and 16, 2020 – watch for the moon to sweep near Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. All 3 planets are bright and easy to spot. They make a little line in the predaw sky. Source:…

Physicists Disagree Over New Dark Matter Claim

sciencehabit shared this article from Science magazine: For decades, astrophysicists have thought some sort of invisible dark matter must pervade the galaxies and hold them together, although its nature remains a mystery. Now, three physicists claim their observations of empty patches of sky rule out one possible explanation of the strange substance — that it is made out of unusual particles…

Young moon below Venus after sunset March 25-27

Depending on where you live worldwide, you might – or might not – catch the young moon after sunset March 25, 2020. Source:…