The mass inflow and outflow rates of the Milky Way

According to the most widely accepted cosmological models, the first galaxies began to form between 13 and 14 billion years ago. Over the course of the next billion years, the cosmic structures now observed first emerged. These include things like galaxy clusters, superclusters and filaments, but also galactic features like globular clusters, galactic bulges, and supermassive black holes (SMBHs). Source:…

Astronomers identify four globular cluster planetary nebulae candidates

Astronomers from Chile and Argentina report the detection of four new planetary nebulae (PN) candidates residing in galactic globular clusters (GCs). If confirmed, the discovery would double the number of known PNe in galactic GCs. The finding is presented in a paper published September 19 on the arXiv pre-print server. Source:…

Astronomers identify four globular cluster planetary nebula candidates

Astronomers from Chile and Argentina report the detection of four new planetary nebulae (PN) candidates residing in galactic globular clusters (GCs). If confirmed, the discovery would double the number of known PNe in galactic GCs. The finding is presented in a paper published September 19 on the arXiv pre-print server. Source:…

The 2nd-fastest pulsar, now with gamma rays

Pulsars are the compact remnants of supernovae. They have strong magnetic fields and rotate rapidly. This one is spinning 707 times a second! Astronomers just discovered this pulsar is emitting high-energy gamma rays. Source:…

Scientists Excited By Discovery of an Impossibly Large Black Hole

In 2017 several scientists co-signed a wager at the Aspen Center for Physics that a black hole wouldn’t be discovered between 55 and 130 solar masses. They may have lost, reports the Atlantic:
Black-hole physicists have been excitedly discussing reports that the LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave detectors recently picked up the signal of an unexpectedly enormous black hole, one with a mass…

When our Milky Way merged with an ancient dwarf galaxy

Analysis of measurements via the Gaia space telescope – of star positions, brightnesses and distances – has let astronomers probe a merger 10 billion years ago between the primitive Milky Way and a dwarf galaxy called Gaia-Enceladus. Source:…

Ten million stars

When you see it with your naked eye, Omega Centauri looks like a fuzzy, faint star. But this blue orb is, in fact, a collection of stars – 10 million of them. Source:…

Find M4 near the Scorpion’s Heart

If you’ve never found a deep-sky object on your own before, M4 – a globular star cluster, one of the nearest to our solar system – is a grand place to start. It’s near the bright red star Antares in the easy-to-spot constellation Scorpius the Scorpion. To spot it, you’ll need a dark sky. Source:…

Astronomers conduct chemical investigation of globular cluster NGC 6723

By analyzing high-resolution spectra for 11 red giant branch (RGB) stars, astronomers have conducted a chemical investigation of the globular cluster NGC 6723. Results of the study, presented in a paper published June 24 on, offer more insights on the chemical enrichment of NGC 6723 and could be important to better understand chemical composition of globular clusters in general. Source:…

Three ancient globular clusters found in the galactic bulge

Three old and metal-poor globular clusters have been spotted in the Milky Way’s bulge. The newly found clusters, designated Camargo 1107, 1108 and 1109, could offer important clues on structure and nature of the central region of our galaxy. The finding was reported in a paper published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters in January 2019, co-authored by…