High-throughput screening for Weyl semimetals with S4 symmetry

A new topological invariant χ is defined in systems with S4 symmetry to diagnose the existence of Weyl fermions. By calculating χ, the computational cost for searching Weyl semimetals is greatly reduced. Recently, Gao et al. implemented this method in the high-throughput screening and found a lot of new Weyl semimetal candidates with exotic properties, providing realistic platforms for future experimental…

Computers Aboard Airliners Vulnerable to Hacking, Watchdog Says

Airliners carry a variety of computer systems that could become vulnerable to hackers and U.S. regulators haven’t imposed adequate counter measures, a government watchdog report concluded. From a report: The Federal Aviation Administration hasn’t prioritized cyber risks, developed a cybersecurity training program or conducted testing of potentially vulnerable systems, the Government Accountability Office said in a report issued Friday. “Until FAA…

It’s time to for us to revisit Venus to uncover its many mysteries

The discovery of a possible sign of life on Venus highlights our ignorance of what is going on within its swirling clouds and on its furnace-like surface. It’s time to go there and find some answers, writes Peter Gao Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/2254821-its-time-to-for-us-to-revisit-venus-to-uncover-its-many-mysteries/?utm_campaign=RSS%7CNSNS&utm_source=NSNS&utm_medium=RSS&utm_content=home…

CBP Does Not Make it Clear Americans Can Opt-out of Airport Face Scanning, Watchdog Says

A government watchdog has criticized U.S. border authorities for failing to properly disclose the agency’s use of facial recognition at airports, which included instructions on how Americans can opt out. From a report: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), tasked with protecting the border and screening immigrants, has deployed its face-scanning technology in 27 U.S. airports as part of its Biometric…