People with gambling problems seem to spend more on in-game loot boxes

When the makers of Heroes of the Storm removed loot boxes from their game, in-game spending decreased but only among problem gamblers Source:…

How a Professor Beat Roulette, Crediting a Non-Existent Supercomputer

I loved this story. The Hustle remembers how in 1964 a world-renowned medical professor found a way to beat roulette wheels, kicking off a five-year winning streak in which he amassed $1,250,000 ($8,000,000 today).
He noticed that at the end of each night, casinos would replace cards and dice with fresh sets — but the expensive roulette wheels went untouched and often…

‘Treat Facebook Like Big Tobacco’

Instead of regulating Facebook like a traditional telecom or media company, Bloomberg Opinion columnist Elaine Ou argues “Facebook should be regulated the same way as other vices like tobacco, alcohol and gambling”: Facebook achieved outsize market share with an addictive product. A competing platform would need to do an even better job of exploiting psychological vulnerability to topple the incumbent. But…

Bad Bots Now Make Up 20 Percent of Web Traffic

So-called “bad bots,” tasked with performing denial-of-service (DoS) attacks or other malicious activities like automatically publishing fake content or reviews, are estimated to make up roughly 37.9 percent of all internet traffic. “In 2018, one in five website requests — 20.4 percent — of traffic was generated by bad bots alone,” reports ZDNet, citing Distil Networks’ latest bot report, “Bad Bot…

Wynn Leaders Helped Hide Sexual Misconduct Allegations Against Company’s Founder, Report Says

The Massachusetts gambling regulator found that some executives “were part of affirmative efforts to conceal allegations against Mr. Wynn that came to their attention.” Source: