Watch giant pandas frolic in the snow

Watch giant pandas Mei Xiang and Tian Tian sliding and rolling around in snow in their habitat at Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington in this video. Source:…

Get inspiration and advice from Paulina’s story—and see how she’s using AI to improve healthcare in Ghana!

Meet Paulina, a final-year medical student exploring how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to solve healthcare delivery problems in West Africa. Read on to see how she’s using what she’s learned from her courses to not only expand educational opportunities in her community, but tackle community health projects through programming and data analysis. I […]
The post Get inspiration and advice…

Will Mark Zuckerberg Retire From Facebook in 2022?

Among tech pundit Robert Cringley’s predictions for 2021? “This year is going to be a tough one for Mark Zuckerberg.”
[W]hile I don’t expect Zuckerberg to abandon his CEO job this year, he eventually will, simply because it isn’t as much fun as it used to be and there will come a point (maybe in 2022) when leaving the top job will…

What is the Sickle in Leo?

The Sickle in Leo is an easy-to-spot backward question mark shape made of stars that marks the head and shoulders of the constellation of the lion. The moon sometimes passes in front of the Sickle’s brightest star, Regulus. Source:…

‘Minecraft Earth’ Will Shut Down On June 30th

A little over a year after bringing Minecraft Earth in the US, Microsoft announced this week it will shut down the game later this year. Engadget reports: Minecraft Earth players have until June 30th, 2021, to play the augmented reality title before Microsoft shuts down its servers and it’s no longer available to download from app marketplaces. Developer Mojang Studios blamed…

See Boston Dynamics’ Robots Bust Freakishly Good Moves On the Dance Floor

MojoKid summarizes an article from Hot Hardware: Boston Dynamics made news recently when 80% of the company was acquired by Hyundai. The company’s family of robots is always impressive and now it appears they’re having some fun to celebrate the close of 2020. Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot and its humanoid-like Atlas bot friend, were joined by their oddball sibling Handle…

Robots dance the night away in fun new video

Boston Dynamics is celebrating the turn of the calendar in style with a clip showing all its robots boogying away. If there’s one company that has con… Source:…

Should Cellphone Chargers Be Sold Separately?

The Verge writes:
Lei Jun, the CEO of Chinese phone maker Xiaomi, has confirmed that its upcoming Mi 11 phone will not come with a charger, citing environmental concerns. While that’s a legitimate argument against providing yet another hunk of plastic that resembles all the other chargers people already have, Xiaomi joined other phone makers who poked fun at Apple a few…

The Secret to Longevity? 4-Minute Bursts of Intense Exercise May Help

The New York Times reports on results from a rigorous five-year study in Trondheim, Norway that raises the question: If you increase your heart rate, will your life span follow? The study, one of the largest and longest-term experimental examinations to date of exercise and mortality, shows that older men and women who exercise in almost any fashion are relatively unlikely…

Ask Slashdot: How Long Should a Vendor Support a Distro?

Long-term Slashdot reader couchslug believes that “Howls of anguish from betrayed CentOS 8 users highlight the value of its long support cycles…” Earlier this month it was announced that at the end of 2021, the community-supported rebuild of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS 8, “will no longer be maintained,” though CentOS 7 “will stick around in a supported maintenance state until…