French President Emmanuel Macron Compares 5G Opponents To Amish

neutrino38 writes: “France is the country of the Enlightenment, it is the country of innovation […] We are going to debunk all false ideas. Yes, France is going to take the 5G turning point because it is the turning point of innovation,” Macron insisted in front of a hundred French Tech entrepreneurs gathered at the Elysee. “I hear a lot of…

Facebook Stops French Man From Streaming His Dying Days

“Facebook has prevented a French man with an incurable illness from streaming his own death on the social media site, according to a company statement…” reports CNN: Alain Cocq, 57, estimates he will only have days to live after stopping all medication, food and drink, which he planned to do on Friday evening. He had intended to broadcast his dying days…

France To Spend $8.4 Billion on Digital as Part of Stimulus Plan

The French government unveiled a massive $120 billion stimulus package earlier this week to recover from the economic downturn — it represents 4% of the country’s GDP. As part of this support plan, the government plans to spend a significant chunk of money on all things digital — startup investment, infrastructure investment and digital transformation. From a report: I interviewed France’s…

Storelift Launches Autonomous Convenience Stores Using AI and Computer Vision

schwit1 shares a report from VentureBeat: As physical retail struggles amid the global pandemic, storeowners are rapidly trying to adapt to new realities that also include growing competition from Amazon. But a French startup called Storelift believes it can create a new convenience store concept that leans on many of the same AI and computer vision tools used in Amazon Go…

The Terrorist Group is Defeated and Routed. But Its Backup Plan Survives

The terrorist group is defeated and routed. But its backup plan survives. From a report: It all began on October 27, 2019. Rumour was, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of Isis, was dead. Nothing was confirmed, but already the jihadist world online was thrumming with excitement and trepidation. “I was walking through an airport,” Moustafa Ayad tells me. “Jet-lagged out…

Complain Like the French To Boost Health Or Spiral Into the Negative?

“In France, a complaint is an appropriate and frequent conversation starter — but the appropriateness of when, to whom and about what to complain is a delicate art,” writes Emily Monaco via the BBC. Slashdot reader omfglearntoplay shares excerpts from the report: Many a conversation in France begins with a sigh and a lament. The French attitude towards complaining is uncomfortable…

Will Your Code Run Ten Years From Now?

Nicolas Rougier, a computational neuroscientist and programmer at INRIA, the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology in Bordeaux, writes: I organized with [Konrad Hinsen, a theoretical biophysicist at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Orleans] the “Ten Years Reproducibility Challenge,” whose goal was to check if researchers would be able to run their own…

Facebook To Pay More Than $110 Million In Back Taxes In France

Facebook’s French subsidiary has agreed to pay more than $118 million in back taxes, including a penalty, after a ten-year audit of its accounts by French tax authorities, the company said on Monday. Reuters reports: France, which is pushing hard to overhaul international tax rules on digital companies such as Facebook, Alphabet’s Google, Apple and Amazon, has said the big tech…

Magnetic rivers feed star birth

Astronomers have learned that the pull of gravity can sometimes overcome the strong magnetic fields found in great star-forming clouds in space. The resulting weakly magnetized gas flow can feed the growth of new stars. Source:…