Learn to recognize the wildlife out your window

With careful observation, you can start to recognize a particular squirrel, or that certain cardinal pair that hangs out on your feeder. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/learn-to-recognize-individual-birds-wildlife…

International team discovers 3 new species of flying reptiles

The new fossil discoveries provide clues about flying, spike-toothed reptiles that lived in the Sahara 100 million years ago. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/new-species-flying-reptiles-pterosaurs-sahara…

Why are whales big, but not bigger?

How did whales that feed on tiny prey evolve into the largest creatures on Earth? And why don’t they get even bigger? Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/why-are-whales-big…

Arctic ice loss exposes sea mammals to deadly virus

Scientists have linked melting Arctic sea ice to the emergence of a deadly virus among sea lions, ice seals, sea otters and other marine mammals. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/arctic-ice-loss-exposes-sea-mammals-to-deadly-virus…