Some Google Search Rivals Lose Footing on Android System

A system Google set up to promote competition on Android has left some smaller search engines having trouble gaining traction, fueling rivals’ complaints about the tech giant’s compliance with a European Union antitrust decision ahead of potential U.S. charges. From a report: Since March, Alphabet-owned Google has been showing people in Europe who set up new mobile devices running the company’s…

‘GamerGate’ Proponent Kills Ex-Girlfriend, Commits Suicide

41-year-old Rudy Ferretti “was known in the male-dominated retro gaming community as a champion gamer — and as a raging misogynist who ferociously harassed women,” writes blogger David Futrelle. “He once made a homebrew game in which the goal was to kill women. “Last week, he allegedly gunned down his former girlfriend Amy Molter before turning his gun on himself.” Wired…

COVID-19 Vaccines With ‘Minor Side Effects’ Could Still Be Pretty Bad

“The risk of nasty side effects in the Moderna and Oxford trials should be made clear now, before it ends up as fodder for the skeptics,” argues Hilda Bastian, a former consumer health care advocate and a Ph.D. student at Bond University who studies evidence-based medicine. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from her article via Wired: On Monday, vaccine researchers…

What is pareidolia?

Seeing a dog in a patch of clouds, or a face in the moon, are examples of what’s called pareidolia. Look here for photos to test your own ability to see things that aren’t there. Source:…

Target Quietly Opens Concept Store For the Future of Gaming

Target quietly soft-launched a new concept store in downtown San Francisco a few days ago: The Game Room lets people try out Magic Leap and Oculus Quest headsets, gaming PCs and mobile gaming rigs. It’s an obvious play to make Target look hip to San Francisco’s tech-savvy clientele, but it’s also indicative of bigger industry changes. From a report: Missing from…

Self-Sustaining Ideas For Living The Homesteader’s Dream

Are you in need of some self-sustaining ideas? If you want to be self-sufficient in your homestead, then these ideas will help you get there! Self-Sustaining Ideas For Living The Homesteader’s Dream Living in a homestead can almost always mean that you are miles away from a neighbor and most likely a couple of hours away…Continue Reading
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