Is Microsoft’s ‘Find Your Joy’ Holiday Ad Sad?

There’s a zany twist at the end, because “This year more than ever, we felt that it was important to give people a little lift, to remind them that while we are facing a lot of challenges, there are many ways we can connect, be productive and enjoy the time we have at home,” Microsoft’s VP of brand, advertising, and research…

Gamers Are Replacing Bing Maps Objects in Microsoft Flight Simulator With Rips From Google Earth

Microsoft’s flagship 2020 game Flight Simulator was supposed to showcase Bing Maps and Azure’s streaming capabilities. There’s just one small problem: gamers are overwriting Bing’s in-game 3D photogrammetry with entire cities ripped from Google Earth. From a report: “When playing the game, you’re essentially looking at an extremely high resolution image of the entire globe in 3D — think Google Earth…

Flight Simulator 2020 Is Finally Out, But Many Can’t Install It

SmartAboutThings writes: Microsoft released Flight Simulator 2020 but many people who bought it online are having problems downloading it, installing it, or simply running the new game. Some users simply didn’t get to download the game even if they tried several times to do so. When the download was finally complete, they received an error while trying to install it. Even…