Inventor Flies Across the English Channel on His Jet-Powered Hoverboard

PolygamousRanchKid quotes CNN: French inventor Franky Zapata has successfully crossed the Channel on a jet-powered hoverboard for the first time, after a failed attempt last month. Zapata took off from Sangatte, northern France early on Sunday morning and landed in St. Margarets Bay, near Dover in England. The journey took just over 20 minutes, according to Reuters news agency… In an…

How fireflies glow and what signals they’re sending

Are the gentle blinks of fireflies flashing a favorite part of your summer evenings? An entomologist explains some lightning bug basics. Source:…

The Hummingbird Project flies with wicked humour and nerdy tech talk

The Hummingbird Project is a wickedly funny film about two cousins’ plan to beat Wall Street at the high-frequency trading game. In his review, Simon Ings says it’ll please the nerds too Source:…

We go between Saturn and the sun July 9

This is Saturn’s yearly opposition. The ringed planet is now opposite the sun in our sky, rising at sunset, highest up for the night around midnight and setting at sunrise. It’s at its brightest and and best for 2019. Source:…

Kelly Latimer flies at the cutting edge of aviation—and soon, space

Kelly Latimer, 54, is a test pilot for Virgin Galactic and Virgin Orbit—two commercial space companies owned by British billionaire Richard Branson. For space tourism company Virgin Galactic, Latimer flies the giant, twin-fuselage aircraft known as WhiteKnightTwo, which carries a smaller spaceship at its belly to an altitude of up to 50,000 feet before the spaceship detaches and blasts off toward…