Top 10 tips for meteor-watchers

How to watch a meteor shower. Tips for beginners. Source:…

EarthSky’s 2020 meteor shower guide

All you need to know about major meteor showers in 2020. Source:…

Was the Christmas Star real?

Are there any possible astronomical explanations for the Star of Bethlehem or Christmas star? Source:…

Ap­proach to make quicker and more ex­act ana­lyses of fire­ball ob­ser­va­tions

There is not enough time for more close study of all fireballs observed in the sky. The observation of a bright phenomenon reveals that a meteoroid has entered the atmosphere from space, but does any part of it end up on Earth? Only those with the survived terminal mass will reach the earth, but unfortunately many of them remain undiscovered. Source:…

UFO filmed dropping ‘fireballs’ over Arizona

A couple from Mesa recently recorded footage of a mysterious object dropping glowing orbs over the city. “I love to watch the skies,” said Kerri Burne… Source:…

Leonids peak morning likely November 18

Will you see thousands of meteors during the 201 Leonid meteor shower? Doubtful. But you might see a good sprinkling of meteors before dawn November 17 and 18. Source:…

North Taurid meteors to peak in moonlight

Slow-moving North Taurids don’t exhibit a sharp peak, so meteor rates may remain fairly steady for the next several days. Too bad about the moon! Source:…

Around now, watch for Taurid fireballs

Maybe you’ve been watching for them already. A nominal peak of the shower is November 4 and 5, and the North and South Taurids are overlapping now. Source:…

All you need to know: Taurid meteors

Although a modest shower, perhaps offering 5 meteors per hour, the Taurid shower lasts over a month and is known for producing dramatic fireballs. Source:…

Orionid meteors late night until dawn

A bright moon interferes for much of the night for 2018’s Orionid meteor shower. Watch shortly before dawn, after moonset. Try watching on the mornings of October 20, 21 and 22. A dark sky is always best. Have fun! Source:…