Climate change is making US hay fever season longer and more intense

Pollen seasons in the US have lengthened by about 20 days over 30 years, and there is 21 per cent more pollen in the air, as plants respond to a warming climate and higher levels of carbon dioxide Source:…

ECB’s Christine Lagarde Blasts Bitcoin’s Role In Facilitating Money Laundering

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Bloomberg: European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde took aim at Bitcoin’s role in facilitating criminal activity, saying the cryptocurrency has been enabling “funny business.” “For those who had assumed that it might turn into a currency — terribly sorry, but this is an asset and it’s a highly speculative asset which has conducted some…

Uber Wasted $100 Million On Useless Digital Ad Campaigns

Uber apparently squandered an estimated $100 million on third-party digital advertising campaigns. Input Mag reports: Former Sleeping Giants alum and co-founder of Check My Ads, Nandini Jammi, caught most of us up on the whole situation yesterday in a lengthy Twitter thread detailing just how Uber, the poster child of startup capitalism’s unethical robber baron mentality, managed to recently waste a…

Florida Governor Defends Police Raid On COVID Data Whistleblower

Earlier this week, Florida state police raided the home of Rebekah Jones, the data scientist who ran the state’s coronavirus dashboard until she was fired in June. “Jones has alleged in a whistleblower lawsuit that her firing was in retaliation for her refusal to manipulate data to make the state’s COVID-19 outbreak last spring appear less severe,” reports Yahoo News. Florida…

Bitcoin Hits New Record, This Time With Less Talk of a Bubble

Bitcoin is back. Again. From a report: Nearly three years after it went on a hair-bending rise and hit a peak of $19,783, the price of a single Bitcoin rose above that for the first time on Monday, according to the data and news provider CoinDesk. The cryptocurrency has soared since March, after sinking below $4,000 at the outset of the…

Elon Musk Claims Full Recovery From Covid-19, Analyst Upgrades Tesla’s Stock Forecast

Slashdot reader Charlotte Web quote The Street: Tesla CEO Elon Musk says that he has “fully” recovered from his bout with a mild fever or cold about a week after he took to Twitter to say he tested positive for coronavirus… [T]his week, Musk took a more reliable PCR test that he said showed “unequivocal” evidence that he had Covid… On…

Showing Cold Symptoms, Elon Musk Tests Positive – and Negative – for Covid-19

“Elon Musk predicted in March, at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, that there would be ‘probably close to zero new cases’ in the United States by the end of April,” reports the Washington Post. “Now, the Tesla chief executive is trying to figure out whether he has a virus that has killed at least 242,000 Americans.” The billionaire said early…

A Man Caught Coronavirus Twice — and It Was Worse the Second Time

According to a study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, a man in the U.S. caught COVID-19 for a second time and had a worse bout of illness. MIT Technology Review reports: The 25-year-old man tested positive for the first time on April 18, after experiencing several weeks of symptoms including sore throat, cough, headache, nausea, and diarrhea. He felt fully…