Can we trust the people who got us hooked on the internet to save us from it?


Transitioning from a ‘Teacher-centric’ to a ‘Student-centric’ Classroom through Digital Learning

“(Technology) is not making teaching obsolete. If anything, it is making the craft of teaching more important” … The Economist, 22nd July 2017 It all began in November, 2014 when I attended the edX Global Forum in Boston. All through the  dreary eighteen-hour flight from Bangalore (where I live and work) to Boston, I was restless and unsure, perhaps even skeptical,…

Nintendo Updates the Switch With a Critical Feature for Visually Impaired Gamers

Every major console now comes with the ability to zoom in, a critical feature for many users.Source:…

The Ground Rules of Life & Existence

Jed Shlackman – Have you ever considered the idea that you create your own personal reality? Source:…

A 3-step process for delivering tough feedback

Seventeen years ago, I’d earned my first leadership role and become responsible for roughly ten direct reports. Two weeks into the role, my boss took me for a coffee to chat about how things were going. “I’m not getting what I need from you,” she said. The statement left no ambiguity, no wiggle room, and… Continue reading A 3-step process for delivering tough feedback

Consumer Culture, Advertising, and me.

In the early days of the world wide web – before “Social Media” was a household word, 3 cohorts and I created a social “safe space” for queer youth.  We analyzed what was currently being offered on the net, and recognized it was most definitely lacking. So we created a space we called Outminds.  You… Continue reading Consumer Culture, Advertising, and me.