Developer Exposes Multiple Scam Apps on the App Store, Some Bringing in Millions of Dollars in Revenue

Over the past several weeks, developer Kosta Eleftheriou has been highlighting many apparent scam applications on the App Store. The formula for each scam application is virtually identical, and it centers on fake reviews and ratings paired with a deceptive weekly subscription. From a report: Eleftheriou is the developer behind FlickType, a popular Apple Watch keyboard application that brings gesture typing…

Mark Zuckerberg Wants Commuting Replaced with VR/AR

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wants commuting to work replaced with VR/AR telecommuting. Zuckerberg made the suggestion on a talkshow on Clubhouse, reports The International Business Times: “One of the things that [VR] will unlock is the ability to live anywhere you want and be present in another place and really feel like you are there,” the Facebook CEO said.”It is going…

Facebook Says It’s Standing Up Against Apple For Small Businesses. Some Of Its Employees Don’t Believe It.

Last Tuesday, Facebook launched what it portrayed as a full-throated defense of small businesses. But while the $750 billion company’s public relations effort has presented a united front with small businesses, some Facebook employees complained about what they called a self-serving campaign that bordered on hypocrisy, according to internal comments and audio of a presentation to workers that were obtained by…

Facebook Cancels Large In-Person Events Through June 2021

An anonymous reader quotes a report from CNN: Facebook (FB) is canceling all of its planned physical events with 50 or more people through June 2021 due to concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. Some of those events will be held virtually instead, wrote CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a post on his Facebook page on Thursday. Zuckerberg also said the “vast majority”…

Facebook Bug Caused Legitimate News Articles About the Coronavirus To Be Marked As Spam

McGruber shares a report from Business Insider: Facebook is blocking users from posting some legitimate news articles about the coronavirus in what appears to be a bug in its spam filters. On Tuesday, multiple Facebook users reported on Twitter that they found themselves unable to post articles from certain news outlets including Business Insider, BuzzFeed, The Atlantic, and the Times of…

US Lawmakers Consider Ban On Big Tech Companies Launching Cryptocurrencies

PolygamousRanchKid quotes Reuters: A proposal to prevent big technology companies from functioning as financial institutions or issuing digital currencies has been circulated for discussion by the Democratic majority that leads the House Financial Services Committee, according to a copy of the draft legislation seen by Reuters. In a sign of widening scrutiny after Facebook Inc’s (FB.O) proposed Libra digital coin aroused…

Facebook Turned Off Search Features Used To Catch War Criminals, Child Predators, And Other Bad Actors

The human rights and war crimes community is up in arms over Facebook’s decision to turn off a set of advanced features in its graph search product, which is “a way to receive an answer to a specific query on Facebook, such as ‘people in Nebraska who like Metallica,'” reports BuzzFeed News. “Using graph search, it’s possible to find public –…