Facebook Sues Chinese Malware Operator For Abusing Its Ad Platform

Facebook today filed a lawsuit against a Chinese company and two Chinese nationals for abusing the Facebook ad platform to run a malware scheme. From a report: The accused are ILikeAd Media International Company, a Hong Kong-based company founded in 2016, and Chen Xiao Cong and Huang Tao, the two men behind it. Facebook said today that ILikeAd used Facebook ads…

New Facebook Features Fight Election Lies Everywhere But Ads

Heaven forbid a political candidate’s Facebook account gets hacked. They might spread disinformation … like they’re already allowed to do in Facebook ads … From a report: Today Facebook made a slew of announcements designed to stop 2020 election interference. “The bottom line here is that elections have changed significantly since 2016” and so has Facebook in response, CEO Mark Zuckerberg…

Elizabeth Warren Mocks Facebook’s Ad Policy By Lying About Mark Zuckerberg

“A fresh series of Facebook ads this week by Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren seeks to put the social media giant on the defensive — by telling a lie,” writes CNN. An anonymous reader quotes their report:
The ads, which began running widely on Thursday, start with a bold but obvious falsehood: That Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg have endorsed…

Facebook Bans Ads From The Epoch Times

Facebook has banned advertising from The Epoch Times, the Falun Gong-related publication and conservative news outlet, as the social network struggles to implement a consistent political advertising policy. The New York Times reports: Facebook issued the ban on Friday after NBC News published a report this week that said The Epoch Times had obscured its connection to recent Facebook ads promoting…

Jared Kushner Dismisses Russian Election Interference as ‘Couple of Facebook Ads’

His comments seem to contradict Facebook’s own estimates that Russian ads and social-media posts reached 126 million Americans during the election. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/04/23/us/politics/jared-kushner-facebook-ads.html?partner=rss&emc=rss…

Researchers Find Facebook’s Ad Targeting Algorithm Is Inherently Biased

Facebook is in trouble with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for what the department says are discriminatory ad targeting practices. For years, advertisers were allowed by Facebook to target (or avoid targeting) protected groups, like minorities and specific gender identities. But in a new paper, a team of researchers says that… Continue reading Researchers Find Facebook’s Ad Targeting Algorithm Is Inherently Biased